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public function DomainSourceTest::testDomainSourceForm in Domain Access 7.3


domain_source/tests/domain_source.test, line 64
Simpletest for Domain Source.


@file Simpletest for Domain Source.


public function testDomainSourceForm() {

  // Test the node edit form.
  $type = 'article';
  $admin_account = $this
    'administer nodes',
    'bypass node access',
    'set domain access',
  $form = $this
    ->domainNodeForm($admin_account->uid, $type);

  // Check the form element.
    ->assertTrue(isset($form['domain']['domain_source']), t('Domain Source node form element appears.'));
  $domains = domain_domains();

  // There should be four domains, plus the use current domain option.
    ->assertTrue(count($form['domain']['domain_source']['#options']) == count($domains) + 1, t('Domain source options list correctly.'));

  // The default domain option should be use active.
    ->assertTrue($form['domain']['domain_source']['#default_value'] == DOMAIN_SOURCE_USE_ACTIVE, t('The default form value is "use active".'));

  // Set the default value for this node type and check again. Note that the
  // variable is stored as a machine_name and transforms to an id by the form.
  variable_set('domain_source_article', domain_default_machine_name());
  $form = $this
    ->domainNodeForm($admin_account->uid, $type);

  // The default domain option should be default.
    ->assertTrue($form['domain']['domain_source']['#default_value'] == domain_default_id(), t('The default form value is the node type default.'));

  // TODO: There are more advanced form use-cases. They can wait.