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public function DomainSourceTest::testDomainSourceDefaults in Domain Access 7.3


domain_source/tests/domain_source.test, line 90
Simpletest for Domain Source.


@file Simpletest for Domain Source.


public function testDomainSourceDefaults() {
  $_domain = domain_get_domain();
  $node = node_load(1);

  // By default, this node is not assigned, so it should be set to use
  // the active domain.
  $source = domain_source_lookup($node->nid);
    ->assertTrue($source === FALSE, t('Unassigned node defaults to current domain.'));

  // Save the node with an assigned source. Then load and check.
  $domain = domain_load(2);
  $node->domain_source = $domain['domain_id'];

  // Promote the node so we can check links.
  $node->promote = 1;
  $source = domain_source_lookup($node->nid);
    ->assertTrue($source == $domain['domain_id'], t('Assigned node set to proper domain.'));

  // Get the site homepage. The node should link to the domain.
    ->assertRaw('<a href="' . $domain['path'], t('URL rewrite returned correct domain.'));

  // Save the node with DOMAIN_SOURCE_USE_ACTIVE.
  $node->domain_source = DOMAIN_SOURCE_USE_ACTIVE;
  $source = domain_source_lookup($node->nid);
    ->assertTrue($source == DOMAIN_SOURCE_USE_ACTIVE, t('Use current domain set correctly.'));

  // Get the site homepage. The node should link to a relative path.
  // @TODO: This could be a better test.
    ->assertNoRaw('<a href="' . $domain['path'], t('URL rewrite returned correct domain.'));

  // Get the site homepage on another domain. The node should link to a
  // relative path.
  // @TODO: This could be a better test.
    ->assertNoRaw('<a href="' . $domain['path'], t('URL rewrite returned correct domain.'));