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11 calls to domain_user_set() in Domain Access 7.3

DomainUserHandler::prepare in ./
domain_content_list in domain_content/
List the available domains for this user.
domain_form_alter in ./domain.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
domain_node_access in ./domain.module
Implements hook_node_access().
domain_node_access_create in ./domain.module
Checks if a user can create content of a specific type on the current domain.
domain_node_access_update in ./domain.module
Checks if a user can edit content of a specific type based on domain.
domain_node_access_view in ./domain.module
Checks if a user can view unpublished nodes assigned to her domain(s).
domain_node_grants in ./domain.module
Implements hook_node_grants().
domain_source_form_alter in domain_source/domain_source.module
Implements hook_form_alter()
domain_user_view in ./domain.module
Implements hook_user_view().
hook_domain_nav_options_alter in ./domain.api.php
Allow modules to alter access to Domain Navigation items.