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9 calls to domain_get_uri() in Domain Access 7.2

domain_alias_domainview in domain_alias/domain_alias.module
Implements hook_domainview().
domain_alias_init in domain_alias/domain_alias.module
Implements hook_init().
domain_block_view_switcher in ./
A nifty little domain-switcher block, useful during debugging.
domain_goto in ./domain.module
Determine if we must switch the active domain.
domain_init in ./domain.module
Implements hook_init().
domain_view in ./
The main administration page, a list of active domains.
domain_warning_check in ./domain.module
Sets a message to the site admin.
theme_domain_alias_block in domain_alias/domain_alias.module
Theme element for the Domain Alias switcher block.
_domain_alias_link in domain_alias/domain_alias.module
Format links for the switcher block.