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19 calls to domain_default() in Domain Access 6.2

domain_check_primary in ./domain.module
Check to see if a redirect to the primary domain is needed.
domain_configure_form_submit in ./
Save any changes to the primary domain record.
domain_domains in ./domain.module
Return all active domains (including the default) as an array.
domain_form_alter in ./domain.module
Implement hook_form_alter()
domain_init in ./domain.module
Implement hook_init().
domain_invalid_domain_requested in ./domain.module
Redirect a request to an invalid domain.
domain_lookup in ./domain.module
Runs a lookup against the {domain} table. One of the two values must be present
domain_nav_menu in domain_nav/domain_nav.module
Implement hook_menu()
domain_prefix_configure_form in domain_prefix/
FormsAPI for generating the configuration form
domain_prefix_form in domain_prefix/
The table prefixing page for a domain.
domain_request_name in ./domain.module
Determines current, fully qualified domain name.
domain_settings_form_submit in domain_settings/domain_settings.module
Submit handler for domain-specific settings.
domain_set_primary_domain in ./domain.module
Set the primary domain properly, if necessary.
domain_token_values in ./domain.module
Implement hook_token_values().
domain_user_user in domain_user/domain_user.module
Implement hook_user()
domain_views_handler_field_domain_sitename::render in domain_views/includes/
domain_views_handler_field_domain_sitename::render_link in domain_views/includes/
Render sitename is as a link to the domain.
domain_warning_check in ./domain.module
Sets a message to the site admin.
hook_domain_source_path_alter in ./API.php
Allows modules to specify the target link for a Drupal path.