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INSTALL_QUICKSTART.txt in Domain Access 6.2

Quickstart INSTALL file for Domain Access.


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * Quickstart INSTALL file for Domain Access.
  4. */
  5. This file is a quickstart guide for using the Domain Access
  6. suite of modules.
  7. For full documentation, see INSTALL.txt and README.txt
  9. 1. Before proceeding, you must install and configure Drupal
  10. without installing this module.
  11. Note that you only need one settings directory and file.
  12. 2. Unpack the download and place it in your modules directory.
  13. Note the path to this directory, it is normally:
  14. 'sites/all/modules'
  15. 3. Add the following four lines of code to your settings.php file:
  16. /**
  17. * Add the domain module setup routine.
  18. */
  19. include './sites/all/modules/domain/';
  20. NOTE: You may need to alter the file path above based on your
  21. site configuration. See INSTALL.txt for further help.
  22. IMPORTANT: You must add these lines to settings.php after the
  23. $db_url. Normally, you should add these lines to the end of the
  24. settings.php file.
  25. 4. Check for existing custom_url_rewrite_outbound().
  26. custom_url_rewrite_outbound() is a special function that you
  27. can add to settings.php to alter how Drupal writes links to content.
  28. If your site already uses this function -- it is not in core -- then
  29. you will need to modify its use to accommodate Domain Access
  30. because the module has its own version.
  31. Domain Access implements this function within the context of the
  32. URL Alter module,, which is a
  33. functional backport of changes implemented in Drupal 7.
  34. If your site uses custom code to implement custom_url_rewrite_outbound(),
  35. consider upgrading to the URL Alter module for full compatibility.
  36. You may also call the function domain_url_rewrite_outbound() directly in
  37. your custom code.
  38. NOTE: Domain Access does not use custom_url_rewrite_inbound().
  39. 5. Go to Admin > Build > Modules. There you will see the Domain
  40. module group.
  41. Only enable the Domain Acccess module.
  42. 6. Configure permissions for the module, normally you will give your
  43. site administrators the following permissions:
  44. -- 'administer domains'
  45. -- 'set domain access'
  46. If you intend to use access control for editors, you may wish to set
  47. the following permissions:
  48. -- 'assign domain editors'
  49. -- 'edit domain nodes'
  50. For more information see README.txt.
  51. 7. Read the main README.txt file for the Domain Access module.
  52. 8. Go to Admin > Build > Domain and configure the module.
  53. 9. Note that as of 6.x.2.0, the primary domain is created for you on
  54. installation.
  55. 10. Now you are ready to explore the options available to you.
  56. The Domain Access suite contains a number of optional helper
  57. modules. You do not need to use any of these modules, but
  58. they may add features that you desire.
  59. Each of the modules has its own INSTALL.txt and README.txt files.
  60. Please read them carefully before activating them.