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public function DisqusComment::import in Disqus 8

Import the row.

Derived classes must implement import(), to construct one new object (pre-populated) using ID mappings in the Migration.


\Drupal\migrate\Row $row: The row object.

array $old_destination_id_values: (optional) The old destination IDs. Defaults to an empty array.

Return value

array|bool An indexed array of destination IDs in the same order as defined in the plugin's getIds() method if the plugin wants to save the IDs to the ID map, TRUE to indicate success without saving IDs to the ID map, or FALSE to indicate a failure.

Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::import


src/Plugin/migrate/destination/DisqusComment.php, line 100


Disqus comment destination.




public function import(Row $row, array $old_destination_id_values = []) {
  $identifier = $row
  $disqus = disqus_api();
  if ($disqus) {
    try {
      $thread = $disqus->threads
        'forum' => $this->config
        'thread:ident' => $identifier,
        'thread' => '1',
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
        ->error('Error loading thread details for entity : @identifier. Check your API keys.', [
        '@identifier' => $identifier,
      $thread = NULL;
    if (!isset($thread->id)) {
      try {
        $thread = $disqus->threads
          'forum' => $this->config
          'access_token' => $this->config
          'title' => $row
          'identifier' => $identifier,
      } catch (\Exception $exception) {
          ->error('Error creating thread for entity : @identifier. Check your user access token.', [
          '@identifier' => $identifier,
    try {
      $message = $row
      $author_name = $row
      $author_email = $row
      $author_url = $row
      $date = $row
      $ip_address = $row
      $ids = FALSE;
      if (empty($author_name) || empty($author_email)) {

        // Post comment as created by site's moderator.
        $ids = [
          'disqus_id' => $disqus->posts
            'message' => $message,
            'thread' => $thread->id,
            'access_token' => $this->config
            'date' => $date,
            'ip_address' => $ip_address,
      else {

        // Cannot create comment as anonymous user, needs 'api_key'
        // (api_key is not the public key).
        $ids = [
          'disqus_id' => $disqus->posts
            'thread' => $thread->id,
            'message' => $message,
            'author_name' => $author_name,
            'author_email' => $author_email,
            'author_url' => $author_url,
            'api_key' => $this->config
      return $ids;
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
        ->error('Error creating post on thread @thread, error: @error', [
        '@thread' => $thread->id,
        '@error' => $exception
    return FALSE;