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public static function BreakpointFormTrait::breakpointFormValidate in Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP) 8

Validation function used by an individual breakpoint.


src/Form/BreakpointFormTrait.php, line 20
Contains \Drupal\dfp\Form\BreakpointFormTrait.


Provides form for adding breakpoints to a DFP tag.




public static function breakpointFormValidate(array $element, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
  if (empty($element['browser_size']['#value']) && !empty($element['ad_sizes']['#value'])) {
      ->setError($element['browser_size'], t('The browser size cannot be empty if ad size(s) exists.'));
  elseif (!empty($element['browser_size']['#value']) && empty($element['ad_sizes']['#value'])) {
      ->setError($element['ad_sizes'], t('The ad size(s) cannot be empty if a browser size exists. If you wish to suppress an ad slot for a given browser size, you can enter "@none" in the ad size(s) field.', array(
      '@none' => '<none>',
  if (!empty($element['browser_size']['#value']) && !empty($element['ad_sizes']['#value'])) {
    if (preg_match('/[^x|0-9]/', $element['browser_size']['#value'])) {
        ->setError($element['browser_size'], t('The browser size can only contain numbers and the character x.'));
    elseif ($element['ad_sizes']['#value'] != '<none>' && preg_match('/[^x|,|0-9]/', $element['ad_sizes']['#value'])) {
        ->setError($element['ad_sizes'], t('The ad size(s) string can only contain numbers, the character x and commas (unless it is the special keyword "@none").', array(
        '@none' => '<none>',