19 calls to krumo::dump() in Devel 6
- krumo::backtrace in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a debug backtrace * * @access public * @static
- krumo::classes in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently declared classes. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::conf in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all your configuration settings. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::cookie in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_COOKIE</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::defines in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently declared constants. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::env in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_ENV</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::extensions in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently loaded PHP extensions. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::functions in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently declared functions. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::get in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_GET</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::headers in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all HTTP request headers. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::includes in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently included (or required) files. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::ini in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from an INI file. * *
- krumo::interfaces in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all currently declared interfaces (PHP5 only). * * @access public * @static
- krumo::path in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of the specified directories under your <i>include_path</i> option. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::phpini in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of the configuration settings read from <i>php.ini</i> * * @access public * @static
- krumo::post in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_POST</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::request in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_REQUEST</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::server in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_SERVER</i> array. * * @access public * @static
- krumo::session in krumo/
class.krumo.php - * Prints a list of all the values from the <i>$_SESSION</i> array. * * @access public * @static