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rich.php in Devel 8.2

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  1. 8 kint/kint/decorators/rich.php


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class Kint_Decorators_Rich {

  # make calls to Kint::dump() from different places in source coloured differently.
  private static $_usedColors = array();
  public static function decorate(kintVariableData $kintVar) {
    $output = '<dl>';
    $extendedPresent = $kintVar->extendedValue !== null || $kintVar->_alternatives !== null;
    if ($extendedPresent) {
      $class = 'kint-parent';
      if (Kint::$expandedByDefault) {
        $class .= ' kint-show';
      $output .= '<dt class="' . $class . '">';
    else {
      $output .= '<dt>';
    if ($extendedPresent) {
      $output .= '<span class="kint-popup-trigger" title="Open in new window">&rarr;</span><nav></nav>';
    $output .= self::_drawHeader($kintVar) . $kintVar->value . '</dt>';
    if ($extendedPresent) {
      $output .= '<dd>';
    if (isset($kintVar->extendedValue)) {
      if (is_array($kintVar->extendedValue)) {
        foreach ($kintVar->extendedValue as $v) {
          $output .= self::decorate($v);
      elseif (is_string($kintVar->extendedValue)) {
        $output .= '<pre>' . $kintVar->extendedValue . '</pre>';
      else {
        $output .= self::decorate($kintVar->extendedValue);

        //it's kint's container
    elseif (isset($kintVar->_alternatives)) {
      $output .= "<ul class=\"kint-tabs\">";
      foreach ($kintVar->_alternatives as $k => $var) {
        $active = $k === 0 ? ' class="kint-active-tab"' : '';
        $output .= "<li{$active}>" . self::_drawHeader($var, false) . '</li>';
      $output .= "</ul><ul>";
      foreach ($kintVar->_alternatives as $var) {
        $output .= "<li>";
        $var = $var->value;
        if (is_array($var)) {
          foreach ($var as $v) {
            $output .= is_string($v) ? '<pre>' . $v . '</pre>' : self::decorate($v);
        elseif (is_string($var)) {
          $output .= '<pre>' . $var . '</pre>';
        elseif (isset($var)) {
          throw new Exception('Kint has encountered an error, ' . 'please paste this report to<br>' . 'Error encountered at ' . basename(__FILE__) . ':' . __LINE__ . '<br>' . ' variables: ' . htmlspecialchars(var_export($kintVar->_alternatives, true), ENT_QUOTES));
        $output .= "</li>";
      $output .= "</ul>";
    if ($extendedPresent) {
      $output .= '</dd>';
    $output .= '</dl>';
    return $output;
  public static function decorateTrace($traceData) {
    $output = '<dl class="kint-trace">';
    foreach ($traceData as $i => $step) {
      $class = 'kint-parent';
      if (Kint::$expandedByDefault) {
        $class .= ' kint-show';
      $output .= '<dt class="' . $class . '">' . '<b>' . ($i + 1) . '</b> ' . '<nav></nav>' . '<var>';
      if (isset($step['file'])) {
        $output .= self::_ideLink($step['file'], $step['line']);
      else {
        $output .= 'PHP internal call';
      $output .= '</var>';
      $output .= $step['function'];
      if (isset($step['args'])) {
        $output .= '(' . implode(', ', array_keys($step['args'])) . ')';
      $output .= '</dt><dd>';
      $firstTab = ' class="kint-active-tab"';
      $output .= '<ul class="kint-tabs">';
      if (!empty($step['source'])) {
        $output .= "<li{$firstTab}>Source</li>";
        $firstTab = '';
      if (!empty($step['args'])) {
        $output .= "<li{$firstTab}>Arguments</li>";
        $firstTab = '';
      if (!empty($step['object'])) {
        $calleeDump = kintParser::factory($step['object']);
        $output .= "<li{$firstTab}>Callee object [{$calleeDump->type}]</li>";
      $output .= '</ul><ul>';
      if (!empty($step['source'])) {
        $output .= "<li><pre class=\"kint-source\">{$step['source']}</pre></li>";
      if (!empty($step['args'])) {
        $output .= "<li>";
        foreach ($step['args'] as $k => $arg) {
          $output .= self::decorate(kintParser::factory($arg, $k));
        $output .= "</li>";
      if (!empty($step['object'])) {
        $output .= "<li>" . self::decorate($calleeDump) . "</li>";
      $output .= '</ul></dd>';
    $output .= '</dl>';
    return $output;

   * called for each dump, opens the html tag
   * @param array $callee caller information taken from debug backtrace
   * @return string
  public static function wrapStart() {
    return "<div class=\"kint\">";

   * closes Kint::_wrapStart() started html tags and displays callee information
   * @param array $callee caller information taken from debug backtrace
   * @param array $miniTrace full path to kint call
   * @param array $prevCaller previous caller information taken from debug backtrace
   * @return string
  public static function wrapEnd($callee, $miniTrace, $prevCaller) {
    if (!Kint::$displayCalledFrom) {
      return '</div>';
    $callingFunction = '';
    $calleeInfo = '';
    $traceDisplay = '';
    if (isset($prevCaller['class'])) {
      $callingFunction = $prevCaller['class'];
    if (isset($prevCaller['type'])) {
      $callingFunction .= $prevCaller['type'];
    if (isset($prevCaller['function']) && !in_array($prevCaller['function'], array(
    ))) {
      $callingFunction .= $prevCaller['function'] . '()';
    $callingFunction and $callingFunction = " [{$callingFunction}]";
    if (isset($callee['file'])) {
      $calleeInfo .= 'Called from ' . self::_ideLink($callee['file'], $callee['line']);
    if (!empty($miniTrace)) {
      $traceDisplay = '<ol>';
      foreach ($miniTrace as $step) {
        $traceDisplay .= '<li>' . self::_ideLink($step['file'], $step['line']);

        // closing tag not required
        if (isset($step['function']) && !in_array($step['function'], array(
        ))) {
          $classString = ' [';
          if (isset($step['class'])) {
            $classString .= $step['class'];
          if (isset($step['type'])) {
            $classString .= $step['type'];
          $classString .= $step['function'] . '()]';
          $traceDisplay .= $classString;
      $traceDisplay .= '</ol>';
      $calleeInfo = '<nav></nav>' . $calleeInfo;
    return "<footer>" . '<span class="kint-popup-trigger" title="Open in new window">&rarr;</span> ' . "{$calleeInfo}{$callingFunction}{$traceDisplay}" . "</footer></div>";
  private static function _drawHeader(kintVariableData $kintVar, $verbose = true) {
    $output = '';
    if ($verbose) {
      if ($kintVar->access !== null) {
        $output .= "<var>" . $kintVar->access . "</var> ";
      if ($kintVar->name !== null && $kintVar->name !== '') {
        $output .= "<dfn>" . kintParser::escape($kintVar->name) . "</dfn> ";
      if ($kintVar->operator !== null) {
        $output .= $kintVar->operator . " ";
    if ($kintVar->type !== null) {
      if ($verbose) {
        $output .= "<var>";
      $output .= $kintVar->type;
      if ($verbose) {
        $output .= "</var>";
      else {
        $output .= " ";
    if ($kintVar->size !== null) {
      $output .= "(" . $kintVar->size . ") ";
    return $output;
  private static function _ideLink($file, $line) {
    $shortenedPath = Kint::shortenPath($file);
    if (!Kint::$fileLinkFormat) {
      return $shortenedPath . ':' . $line;
    $ideLink = Kint::getIdeLink($file, $line);
    $class = strpos($ideLink, 'http://') === 0 ? 'class="kint-ide-link" ' : '';
    return "<a {$class}href=\"{$ideLink}\">{$shortenedPath}:{$line}</a>";

   * produces css and js required for display. May be called multiple times, will only produce output once per
   * pageload or until `-` or `@` modifier is used
   * @return string
  public static function init() {
    $baseDir = KINT_DIR . 'view/compiled/';
    if (!is_readable($cssFile = $baseDir . Kint::$theme . '.css')) {
      $cssFile = $baseDir . 'original.css';
    return '<script class="-kint-js">' . file_get_contents($baseDir . 'kint.js') . '</script>' . '<style class="-kint-css">' . file_get_contents($cssFile) . "</style>\n";

