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plain.php in Devel 8.2

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  1. 8 kint/kint/decorators/plain.php


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class Kint_Decorators_Plain {
  private static $_enableColors;
  private static $_cliEffects = array(
    # effects
    'bold' => '1',
    'dark' => '2',
    'italic' => '3',
    'underline' => '4',
    'blink' => '5',
    'reverse' => '7',
    'concealed' => '8',
    'default' => '39',
    # colors
    'black' => '30',
    'red' => '31',
    'green' => '32',
    'yellow' => '33',
    'blue' => '34',
    'magenta' => '35',
    'cyan' => '36',
    'light_gray' => '37',
    'dark_gray' => '90',
    'light_red' => '91',
    'light_green' => '92',
    'light_yellow' => '93',
    'light_blue' => '94',
    'light_magenta' => '95',
    'light_cyan' => '96',
    'white' => '97',
    # backgrounds
    'bg_default' => '49',
    'bg_black' => '40',
    'bg_red' => '41',
    'bg_green' => '42',
    'bg_yellow' => '43',
    'bg_blue' => '44',
    'bg_magenta' => '45',
    'bg_cyan' => '46',
    'bg_light_gray' => '47',
    'bg_dark_gray' => '100',
    'bg_light_red' => '101',
    'bg_light_green' => '102',
    'bg_light_yellow' => '103',
    'bg_light_blue' => '104',
    'bg_light_magenta' => '105',
    'bg_light_cyan' => '106',
    'bg_white' => '107',
  private static $_utfSymbols = array(
  private static $_winShellSymbols = array(
  private static $_htmlSymbols = array(
  public static function decorate(kintVariableData $kintVar, $level = 0) {
    $output = '';
    if ($level === 0) {
      $name = $kintVar->name ? $kintVar->name : 'literal';
      $kintVar->name = null;
      $output .= self::_title($name);
    $space = str_repeat($s = '    ', $level);
    $output .= $space . self::_drawHeader($kintVar);
    if ($kintVar->extendedValue !== null) {
      $output .= ' ' . ($kintVar->type === 'array' ? '[' : '(') . PHP_EOL;
      if (is_array($kintVar->extendedValue)) {
        foreach ($kintVar->extendedValue as $v) {
          $output .= self::decorate($v, $level + 1);
      elseif (is_string($kintVar->extendedValue)) {
        $output .= $space . $s . $kintVar->extendedValue . PHP_EOL;

        # depth too great or similar
      else {
        $output .= self::decorate($kintVar->extendedValue, $level + 1);

        //it's kintVariableData
      $output .= $space . ($kintVar->type === 'array' ? ']' : ')') . PHP_EOL;
    else {
      $output .= PHP_EOL;
    return $output;
  public static function decorateTrace($traceData) {
    $output = self::_title('TRACE');
    $lastStep = count($traceData);
    foreach ($traceData as $stepNo => $step) {
      $title = str_pad(++$stepNo . ': ', 4, ' ');
      $title .= self::_colorize(isset($step['file']) ? self::_buildCalleeString($step) : 'PHP internal call', 'title');
      if (!empty($step['function'])) {
        $title .= '    ' . $step['function'];
        if (isset($step['args'])) {
          $title .= '(';
          if (empty($step['args'])) {
            $title .= ')';
          else {
          $title .= PHP_EOL;
      $output .= $title;
      if (!empty($step['args'])) {
        $appendDollar = $step['function'] === '{closure}' ? '' : '$';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($step['args'] as $name => $argument) {
          $argument = kintParser::factory($argument, $name ? $appendDollar . $name : '#' . ++$i);
          $argument->operator = $name ? ' =' : ':';
          $maxLevels = Kint::$maxLevels;
          if ($maxLevels) {
            Kint::$maxLevels = $maxLevels + 2;
          $output .= self::decorate($argument, 2);
          if ($maxLevels) {
            Kint::$maxLevels = $maxLevels;
        $output .= '    )' . PHP_EOL;
      if (!empty($step['object'])) {
        $output .= self::_colorize('    ' . self::_char('─', 27) . ' Callee object ' . self::_char('─', 34), 'title');
        $maxLevels = Kint::$maxLevels;
        if ($maxLevels) {

          # in cli the terminal window is filled too quickly to display huge objects
          Kint::$maxLevels = Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_CLI ? 1 : $maxLevels + 1;
        $output .= self::decorate(kintParser::factory($step['object']), 1);
        if ($maxLevels) {
          Kint::$maxLevels = $maxLevels;
      if ($stepNo !== $lastStep) {
        $output .= self::_colorize(self::_char('─', 80), 'title');
    return $output;
  private static function _colorize($text, $type, $nlAfter = true) {
    $nlAfter = $nlAfter ? PHP_EOL : '';
    switch (Kint::enabled()) {
      case Kint::MODE_PLAIN:
        if (!self::$_enableColors) {
          return $text . $nlAfter;
        switch ($type) {
          case 'value':
            $text = "<i>{$text}</i>";
          case 'type':
            $text = "<b>{$text}</b>";
          case 'title':
            $text = "<u>{$text}</u>";
        return $text . $nlAfter;
      case Kint::MODE_CLI:
        if (!self::$_enableColors) {
          return $text . $nlAfter;
        $optionsMap = array(
          'title' => "\33[36m",
          # cyan
          'type' => "\33[35;1m",
          # magenta bold
          'value' => "\33[32m",
        return $optionsMap[$type] . $text . "\33[0m" . $nlAfter;
      case Kint::MODE_WHITESPACE:
        return $text . $nlAfter;
  private static function _char($char, $repeat = null) {
    switch (Kint::enabled()) {
      case Kint::MODE_PLAIN:
        $char = self::$_htmlSymbols[array_search($char, self::$_utfSymbols, true)];
      case Kint::MODE_CLI:
        $inWindowsShell = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/';
        if ($inWindowsShell) {
          $char = self::$_winShellSymbols[array_search($char, self::$_utfSymbols, true)];
      case Kint::MODE_WHITESPACE:
    return $repeat ? str_repeat($char, $repeat) : $char;
  private static function _title($text) {
    $escaped = kintParser::escape($text);
    $lengthDifference = strlen($escaped) - strlen($text);
    return self::_colorize(self::_char('┌') . self::_char('─', 78) . self::_char('┐') . PHP_EOL . self::_char('│'), 'title', false) . self::_colorize(str_pad($escaped, 78 + $lengthDifference, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH), 'title', false) . self::_colorize(self::_char('│') . PHP_EOL . self::_char('└') . self::_char('─', 78) . self::_char('┘'), 'title');
  public static function wrapStart() {
    if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_PLAIN) {
      return '<pre class="-kint">';
    return '';
  public static function wrapEnd($callee, $miniTrace, $prevCaller) {
    $lastLine = self::_colorize(self::_char("═", 80), 'title');
    $lastChar = Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_PLAIN ? '</pre>' : '';
    if (!Kint::$displayCalledFrom) {
      return $lastLine . $lastChar;
    return $lastLine . self::_colorize('Called from ' . self::_buildCalleeString($callee), 'title') . $lastChar;
  private static function _drawHeader(kintVariableData $kintVar) {
    $output = '';
    if ($kintVar->access) {
      $output .= ' ' . $kintVar->access;
    if ($kintVar->name !== null && $kintVar->name !== '') {
      $output .= ' ' . kintParser::escape($kintVar->name);
    if ($kintVar->operator) {
      $output .= ' ' . $kintVar->operator;
    $output .= ' ' . self::_colorize($kintVar->type, 'type', false);
    if ($kintVar->size !== null) {
      $output .= ' (' . $kintVar->size . ')';
    if ($kintVar->value !== null && $kintVar->value !== '') {
      $output .= ' ' . self::_colorize($kintVar->value, 'value', false);
    return ltrim($output);
  private static function _buildCalleeString($callee) {
    if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_CLI) {

      // todo win/nix
      return "+{$callee['line']} {$callee['file']}";
    $url = Kint::getIdeLink($callee['file'], $callee['line']);
    $shortenedName = Kint::shortenPath($callee['file']) . ':' . $callee['line'];
    if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_PLAIN) {
      if (strpos($url, 'http://') === 0) {
        $calleeInfo = "<a href=\"#\"onclick=\"" . "X=new XMLHttpRequest;" . "'GET','{$url}');" . "X.send();" . "return!1\">{$shortenedName}</a>";
      else {
        $calleeInfo = "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$shortenedName}</a>";
    else {
      $calleeInfo = $shortenedName;
    return $calleeInfo;
  public static function init() {
    self::$_enableColors = Kint::$cliColors && (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/' || getenv('ANSICON') !== false || getenv('ConEmuANSI') === 'ON');
    return Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_PLAIN ? '<style>.-kint i{color:#d00;font-style:normal}.-kint u{color:#030;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold}</style>' : '';

