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public function DevelGenerateBrowserTest::testDevelGenerateBatchContent in Devel 8.3

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  1. 4.x devel_generate/tests/src/Functional/DevelGenerateBrowserTest.php \Drupal\Tests\devel_generate\Functional\DevelGenerateBrowserTest::testDevelGenerateBatchContent()

Tests generating content in batch mode.


devel_generate/tests/src/Functional/DevelGenerateBrowserTest.php, line 311


Tests the logic to generate data.




public function testDevelGenerateBatchContent() {

  // For 50 or more nodes, the processing will be done via batch.
  $edit = [
    'num' => 55,
    'kill' => TRUE,
    'node_types[article]' => TRUE,
    'node_types[page]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/content', $edit, 'Generate');
    ->pageTextContains('Finished 55 elements created successfully.');
    ->pageTextContains('Generate process complete.');

  // Tests that the expected number of nodes have been created.
  $count = count(Node::loadMultiple());
    ->assertEquals(55, $count, sprintf('The expected total number of nodes is %s, found %s', 55, $count));

  // Create nodes with translations via batch.
  $edit = [
    'num' => 52,
    'kill' => TRUE,
    'node_types[article]' => TRUE,
    'node_types[page]' => TRUE,
    'add_language[]' => [
    'translate_language[]' => [
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/content', $edit, 'Generate');
    ->assertCount(52, \Drupal::entityQuery('node')

  // Only aticles will have translations so get that number.
  $articles = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
    ->condition('type', 'article')
    ->pageTextContains(sprintf('Finished 52 elements and %s translations created successfully.', 2 * count($articles)));

  // Generate only articles.
  $edit = [
    'num' => 60,
    'kill' => TRUE,
    'node_types[article]' => TRUE,
    'node_types[page]' => FALSE,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/content', $edit, 'Generate');

  // Tests that all the created nodes were of the node type selected.
  $nodeStorage = $this->container
  $type = 'article';
  $count = $nodeStorage
    ->condition('type', $type)
    ->assertEquals(60, $count, sprintf('The expected number of %s is %s, found %s', $type, 60, $count));