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public function DevelMailLog::composeMessage in Devel 7

Converts a message array to a string.


$message: The message array containing the body and headers.

Return value

The message as it will be printed in the file.

1 call to DevelMailLog::composeMessage()
DevelMailLog::mail in ./
Save a mail message to a file using Drupal variables and default settings.


./, line 34
MailSystemInterface for logging mails to the filesystem.


Logs mail messages to the filesystem.


public function composeMessage($message) {
  $mimeheaders = array();
  $message['headers']['To'] = $message['to'];
  foreach ($message['headers'] as $name => $value) {
    $mimeheaders[] = $name . ': ' . mime_header_encode($value);
  $line_endings = variable_get('mail_line_endings', MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS);
  $output = join($line_endings, $mimeheaders) . $line_endings;

  // 'Subject:' is a mail header and should not be translated.
  $output .= 'Subject: ' . $message['subject'] . $line_endings;

  // Blank line to separate headers from body.
  $output .= $line_endings;
  $output .= preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', $line_endings, $message['body']);
  return $output;