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README.txt in DesignKit 6

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  1. 7 README.txt

DesignKit is a small API module that assists themes by providing them with a
way to register settings that would otherwise be repetitive, complex, or
impossible by using the built-in theme-settings.php API.

Currently, DesignKit supports customizable settings for multiple CSS colors and
multiple image uploads that can be processed by ImageCache presets.


- Color (included in Drupal core)
- ImageCache (
- ImageAPI (


DesignKit can be installed like any other module. Visit `admin/build/modules` as
an administrative user and enable the "DesignKit" module. DesignKit will not
"do anything" after it's been installed -- you must use a theme which takes
advantage of DesignKit's API to make use of its features.


You can leverage DesignKit's API in your theme by adding directives to your
theme's info file. The two currently supported directives are `color` and
`image`. Once you have added the directives, make sure you clear your cache
(`drush cache clear` or the "Clear all caches" button on

1. Colors

You can specify as many colors as you'd like your theme to use by adding a line
for each color. Each entry should use as its key the name of the variable to be
used in the `designkit.tpl.php` (see below) and the following keys for
specifying further metadata:

    ; Background color
    designkit[color][background][title] = "Background"
    designkit[color][background][description] = "Background color."
    designkit[color][background][default] = "#ffffff"

    ; Foo bar color
    designkit[color][foo][title] = "Foo"
    designkit[color][foo][description] = "Foo bar baz."
    designkit[color][foo][default] = "#cc0099"

And so on. Once you have registered the color values, you can customize them on
Drupal's theme settings page (`admin/build/themes/settings`). To make use of
these color variables, your theme will need to have a copy of the
`designkit.tpl.php` which will included the specified CSS on each page. You can
make use of the following designkit color API functions in your template:

- `designkit_colorshift($source, $shift, $opacity)`
  Lets you blend two colors together, applying the $shift color to the $source
  color at the $opacity specified.
- `designkit_colorhsl($source, $key)`
  Returns useful HSL information about a color.

Here is an example override of designkit.tpl.php:

    <style type='text/css'>
    body.designkit {
      background: <?php print $background ?>;

    #page-title {
      background: <?php print designkit_colorshift($background, '#000000', .1) ?>;
      color: <?php print (designkit_colorhsl($background, 'l') > .5) ? '#fff' : '#000' ?>;

In this case, `designkit_colorshift` is used to darken the background color
(e.g. 10% black fill) when used for `#page-title` and the text color is set to
either white or black based on the lightness of `$background`.

2. Images

You can specify multiple images to use with your theme by adding entries to
`designkit[image]` key. Each image should be keyed on the variable that will be
used for it in the `page.tpl.php` vars and a set of keys representing metadata
about that image. The 'imagecache' key should have a corresponding string
representing parameters for generating a default imagecache preset that will
be used to process the image.

Here is an example:

    ; Site logo
    designkit[image][logo][title] = "Site logo"
    designkit[image][logo][description] = "Header logo."
    designkit[image][logo][imagecache] = "imagecache_scale:200x50"

    ; Print logo
    designkit[image][logo_print][title] = "Print logo"
    designkit[image][logo_print][description] = "Print logo."
    designkit[image][logo_print][imagecache] = "imagecache_scale:600x300"

If the variable name used is one that already exists in the `page.tpl.php` vars
the previous value *will be overridden*. In other words, don't name your image
variables `mission`, `help`, `content` or some other critical variable that you
don't want to inadvertently override.

Each image variable is also provided to designkit.tpl.php as a URL suitable for
use with the CSS background-image property. Each image will have corresponding
variables $image and $image_raw (representing URLs to the imagecache processed
and unprocessed versions) in designkit.tpl.php.

The imagecache params should follow this format:

    [imagecache action]:[width]x[height]

Note that any additional imagecache action params are not currently supported.


- Young Hahn (


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  1. DesignKit
  2. ---------
  3. DesignKit is a small API module that assists themes by providing them with a
  4. way to register settings that would otherwise be repetitive, complex, or
  5. impossible by using the built-in theme-settings.php API.
  6. Currently, DesignKit supports customizable settings for multiple CSS colors and
  7. multiple image uploads that can be processed by ImageCache presets.
  8. Dependencies
  9. ------------
  10. - Color (included in Drupal core)
  11. - ImageCache (
  12. - ImageAPI (
  13. Installation
  14. ------------
  15. DesignKit can be installed like any other module. Visit `admin/build/modules` as
  16. an administrative user and enable the "DesignKit" module. DesignKit will not
  17. "do anything" after it's been installed -- you must use a theme which takes
  18. advantage of DesignKit's API to make use of its features.
  19. API
  20. ---
  21. You can leverage DesignKit's API in your theme by adding directives to your
  22. theme's info file. The two currently supported directives are `color` and
  23. `image`. Once you have added the directives, make sure you clear your cache
  24. (`drush cache clear` or the "Clear all caches" button on
  25. `admin/settings/performance).
  26. 1. Colors
  27. You can specify as many colors as you'd like your theme to use by adding a line
  28. for each color. Each entry should use as its key the name of the variable to be
  29. used in the `designkit.tpl.php` (see below) and the following keys for
  30. specifying further metadata:
  31. ; Background color
  32. designkit[color][background][title] = "Background"
  33. designkit[color][background][description] = "Background color."
  34. designkit[color][background][default] = "#ffffff"
  35. ; Foo bar color
  36. designkit[color][foo][title] = "Foo"
  37. designkit[color][foo][description] = "Foo bar baz."
  38. designkit[color][foo][default] = "#cc0099"
  39. And so on. Once you have registered the color values, you can customize them on
  40. Drupal's theme settings page (`admin/build/themes/settings`). To make use of
  41. these color variables, your theme will need to have a copy of the
  42. `designkit.tpl.php` which will included the specified CSS on each page. You can
  43. make use of the following designkit color API functions in your template:
  44. - `designkit_colorshift($source, $shift, $opacity)`
  45. Lets you blend two colors together, applying the $shift color to the $source
  46. color at the $opacity specified.
  47. - `designkit_colorhsl($source, $key)`
  48. Returns useful HSL information about a color.
  49. Here is an example override of designkit.tpl.php:
  50. In this case, `designkit_colorshift` is used to darken the background color
  51. (e.g. 10% black fill) when used for `#page-title` and the text color is set to
  52. either white or black based on the lightness of `$background`.
  53. 2. Images
  54. You can specify multiple images to use with your theme by adding entries to
  55. `designkit[image]` key. Each image should be keyed on the variable that will be
  56. used for it in the `page.tpl.php` vars and a set of keys representing metadata
  57. about that image. The 'imagecache' key should have a corresponding string
  58. representing parameters for generating a default imagecache preset that will
  59. be used to process the image.
  60. Here is an example:
  61. ; Site logo
  62. designkit[image][logo][title] = "Site logo"
  63. designkit[image][logo][description] = "Header logo."
  64. designkit[image][logo][imagecache] = "imagecache_scale:200x50"
  65. ; Print logo
  66. designkit[image][logo_print][title] = "Print logo"
  67. designkit[image][logo_print][description] = "Print logo."
  68. designkit[image][logo_print][imagecache] = "imagecache_scale:600x300"
  69. If the variable name used is one that already exists in the `page.tpl.php` vars
  70. the previous value *will be overridden*. In other words, don't name your image
  71. variables `mission`, `help`, `content` or some other critical variable that you
  72. don't want to inadvertently override.
  73. Each image variable is also provided to designkit.tpl.php as a URL suitable for
  74. use with the CSS background-image property. Each image will have corresponding
  75. variables $image and $image_raw (representing URLs to the imagecache processed
  76. and unprocessed versions) in designkit.tpl.php.
  77. The imagecache params should follow this format:
  78. [imagecache action]:[width]x[height]
  79. Note that any additional imagecache action params are not currently supported.
  80. Maintainers
  81. -----------
  82. - Young Hahn (