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public function DeployEndpoint::publish in Deploy - Content Staging 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/ \DeployEndpoint::publish()

Publishes all entities on the endpoint. Happens after deployment.


string $lock_name: The name of the lock that this deployment is working under.

integer $deployment_key: The unique deployment key for this deployment.

Traversable $iterator: Usually this will be an object from a subclass of DeployAggregatorBase.

string $lock_name: Optional name of the lock that this deployment is working under.


includes/, line 123
Base class for Deploy endpoint definitions.


Class representing a deployment endpoint.


public function publish($deployment_key, Traversable $iterator, $lock_name = NULL) {
  try {
    if (empty($this->authenticator)) {

    // Consider going through the authenticator here, as in self::deploy().
    deploy_log($deployment_key, DEPLOY_STATUS_PUBLISHED);
    module_invoke_all('deploy_plan_publish', DEPLOY_STATUS_PUBLISHED);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    if (!empty($lock_name)) {
    deploy_log($deployment_key, DEPLOY_STATUS_FAILED, $e);
    module_invoke_all('deploy_plan_publish', DEPLOY_STATUS_FAILED);
    throw $e;