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INSTALL.txt in Deploy - Content Staging 6

This framework requires two servers

- a source server (which you will be deploying from)
- a destination server (which you will be deploying to)

While these do need to be separate and distinct Drupal installations, they do not actually need to be on two servers. They can be in separate subdirectories or virtual hosts on a single server and everything will work perfectly well.

These instructions assume a brand new fresh install of Drupal on both servers. If you are installing into an existing Drupal site, please follow the instructions at

1) Download and extract the tarball for Deploy into your modules directory. You must be using the most current -dev version.

2) Surf to /admin/build/modules on your site. 

3) Enable the module Deployment (under the Deployment group), Node Deployment, User Deployment, and UUID.

4) Go to admin/build/deploy/servers. Click 'Add a new server'. 

5) Enter a 'Live Server' for the Name and 'http://<path_to_drupal>/services/xmlrpc' for the URL field. Save the server information.

1) Extract the tarball for Deploy and Services into your modules directory. You must be using the most current -dev version of both modules.

2) Surf to /admin/build/modules on your site.

3) Enable the following modules - Services (under the Services group), Key Authentication (under the Service - Authentication group), XMLRPC Server (under Services - servers group), System Service, Node Service, UUID Service, and User Service (under Services - services group), and UUID (under Deployment group).

4) Go to admin/build/services/settings. Under 'Authentication module' choose 'Key authentication'. Make sure that 'Use sessid' is clicked and 'Use keys' is not (Deployment does not currently support API keys with Services.) Save the settings.

5) Deployments run as a logged in user with the permissions of that user. For this test we will just use admin to keep things simple, but if you do not wish to use admin, you will need to configure permissions appropriately for the user you're planning on logging in as.

1) For this demo we will create and deploy a new node, then deploy an update to the node. So on your staging server go to node/add/story and create a new story. Give it whatever options you like and save it.

2) Go to admin/content/node. Check the node you just created, choose 'Deploy' from Update Options, and click the Update button. 

3) Choose 'Live Server' from the Server select list, and enter the username and password for the user you wish your deployment to run as on the destination server. Click the Submit button.

4) Your deployment should go through two phases - Processing deployment plan dependencies and Pushing deployment plans.

5) You should end up at Deployment Log Details, which lists the node you just deployed and a Result of 'Success'. 

6) Go to admin/content/node on your destination server. Your node should be listed there, and if you edit the node your settings should have all been transferred properly. 

7) Now if you like you can return to this node on your source server, make some changes to the node, and go through the same process to deploy it to the destination server. Your changes should be transferred properly. 


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  2. ------------
  3. This framework requires two servers
  4. - a source server (which you will be deploying from)
  5. - a destination server (which you will be deploying to)
  6. While these do need to be separate and distinct Drupal installations, they do not actually need to be on two servers. They can be in separate subdirectories or virtual hosts on a single server and everything will work perfectly well.
  8. -----------------------
  9. These instructions assume a brand new fresh install of Drupal on both servers. If you are installing into an existing Drupal site, please follow the instructions at
  12. -------------
  13. 1) Download and extract the tarball for Deploy into your modules directory. You must be using the most current -dev version.
  14. 2) Surf to /admin/build/modules on your site.
  15. 3) Enable the module Deployment (under the Deployment group), Node Deployment, User Deployment, and UUID.
  16. 4) Go to admin/build/deploy/servers. Click 'Add a new server'.
  17. 5) Enter a 'Live Server' for the Name and 'http:///services/xmlrpc' for the URL field. Save the server information.
  19. ------------------
  20. 1) Extract the tarball for Deploy and Services into your modules directory. You must be using the most current -dev version of both modules.
  21. 2) Surf to /admin/build/modules on your site.
  22. 3) Enable the following modules - Services (under the Services group), Key Authentication (under the Service - Authentication group), XMLRPC Server (under Services - servers group), System Service, Node Service, UUID Service, and User Service (under Services - services group), and UUID (under Deployment group).
  23. 4) Go to admin/build/services/settings. Under 'Authentication module' choose 'Key authentication'. Make sure that 'Use sessid' is clicked and 'Use keys' is not (Deployment does not currently support API keys with Services.) Save the settings.
  24. 5) Deployments run as a logged in user with the permissions of that user. For this test we will just use admin to keep things simple, but if you do not wish to use admin, you will need to configure permissions appropriately for the user you're planning on logging in as.
  26. ------------
  27. 1) For this demo we will create and deploy a new node, then deploy an update to the node. So on your staging server go to node/add/story and create a new story. Give it whatever options you like and save it.
  28. 2) Go to admin/content/node. Check the node you just created, choose 'Deploy' from Update Options, and click the Update button.
  29. 3) Choose 'Live Server' from the Server select list, and enter the username and password for the user you wish your deployment to run as on the destination server. Click the Submit button.
  30. 4) Your deployment should go through two phases - Processing deployment plan dependencies and Pushing deployment plans.
  31. 5) You should end up at Deployment Log Details, which lists the node you just deployed and a Result of 'Success'.
  32. 6) Go to admin/content/node on your destination server. Your node should be listed there, and if you edit the node your settings should have all been transferred properly.
  33. 7) Now if you like you can return to this node on your source server, make some changes to the node, and go through the same process to deploy it to the destination server. Your changes should be transferred properly.