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Functions in Default Content 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
get_ref_fields plugins/ Helper function to get all node reference fields 3
menu_item_export_alter plugins/ Handles the exporting of menu links attached to nodes
menu_item_post_import plugins/ Handles the importing of menu item after the node is loaded
nodequeue_enabled plugins/
nodequeue_export_alter plugins/ Handles the adding of node queue membership to the export
nodequeue_post_import plugins/ After import handles the adding of of the nodes to nodequeues
node_export_alter plugins/ Handles the main transfer of data from node to export
node_import_alter plugins/ Handles the importing of nodes
node_reference_export_alter plugins/ Handles the change to the node need for exporting node references
node_reference_import_alter plugins/ Handles the importing of node_reference fields
node_reference_import_sort plugins/ Handles a sort to insure that ref nodes are import first
path_export_alter plugins/ Handles the loading of the current path in export
path_post_import plugins/ Handles the loading of the current path after the node is loaded
webform_export_alter plugins/ Handles the export of webform data to export
webform_post_import plugins/ Handles the importing of webform data after the node is created


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