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defaultcontent.module in Default Content 7.2

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  1. 8 defaultcontent.module
  2. 7 defaultcontent.module

Module file for the Default content module which allow export and import of default content in a Drupal site.


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 * @file
 * Module file for the Default content module which allow export and import of
 * default content in a Drupal site.

 * Implements hook_node_load().
 * Add machine_name
function defaultcontent_node_load($nodes, $types) {
  foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) {
    $nodes[$key]->machine_name = defaultcontent_get_default($node->nid);

 * Implements of hook_node_delete().
 * Node that the machine_name does not have a node now but we keep it around so
 * we know not to load the default
function defaultcontent_node_delete($node) {
  if (isset($node->machine_name)) {
    defaultcontent_set_default($node->machine_name, NULL);

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
 * Record machine name
function defaultcontent_node_insert($node) {
  if (isset($node->machine_name)) {
    defaultcontent_set_default($node->machine_name, $node->nid);

 * Implements hook_node_update().
function defaultcontent_node_update($node) {

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * Add machine name to node form
 * TODO: get the machine_name type to work
function defaultcontent_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (user_access('edit node machine name') && strpos($form_id, 'node_form')) {
    $form['machine_name_fs'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => 'Machine Name',
      '#group' => 'additional_settings',
    $form['machine_name_fs']['machine_name'] = array(
      '#type' => 'machine_name',
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => 'Machine Name',
      '#required' => FALSE,
      '#description' => 'Provide a unique name for this node',
      '#default_value' => isset($form_state['node']->machine_name) ? $form_state['node']->machine_name : '',

 * Implements hook_menu().
 * We are implementing the same functions as a node page but with a machine
 * name url
 * NOTE: this was mainly done before we had the menu plugin and now is most
 * likely not used this page can cause issue for breadcrumbs that is why this
 * method was abandoned
function defaultcontent_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['node-name/%'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'defaultcontent_page_view',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => TRUE,
  return $items;

 * Load up node
function defaultcontent_page_view($name) {
  $node = defaultcontent_get_node($name);
  if ($node) {
    $_GET['q'] = 'node/' . $node->nid;
    return menu_execute_active_handler('node/' . $node->nid, FALSE);

 * Implements hook_permission().
function defaultcontent_permission() {
  return array(
    'edit node machine name' => array(
      'title' => t('Edit node machine name'),
      'description' => t('Allow user to edit the machine name associated with a node.'),

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * we check to see if there are any defaults
 * that have not been load in the db. if we have any we load them
function defaultcontent_cron($allow_first_content = TRUE) {
  if ($allow_first_content) {
    variable_set('node_content_enabled', TRUE);

  // I have to load the freature files
  // I am thinking there should be a way to have features do this but I do not
  // know what it would be
  $features = features_get_features();
  foreach ($features as $f_name => $feature) {
    if (isset($feature->info['features']['content'])) {
      module_load_include('inc', $f_name, $f_name . '.features.content');
    if (isset($feature->info['features']['content_menu_links'])) {
      module_load_include('inc', $f_name, $f_name . '.features.content_menu_links');

  // features_include_defaults();
  $defaults = module_invoke_all('content_defaults');
  usort($defaults, 'defaultcontent_import_sort');
  $records = defaultcontent_get_default();
  $current = array();
  foreach ($records as $record) {
    $current[] = $record->name;
  foreach ($defaults as $default) {

    // we check to see if that default has been loaded (even if the node
    // has been deleted) before we do a load
    if (!in_array($default->machine_name, $current)) {

  //Turns out if this isn't called only once after EACH install then we get ourselves in trouble - so

  //we'll just run one time for each change - Major issue with this approach is that install->uninstalling and reinstalling an app will result in no menu item


  //Yes, its hacky, sorry :(
  $default_menu_links = module_invoke_all('content_menu_links_defaults');
  $hashes = variable_get('defaultcontent_hashes', array());

  //arrays are value copied when assigned in php - so this is safe
  $inverse = $hashes;
  foreach ($default_menu_links as $key => $default) {
    $str = implode(array_keys($default), ',');
    $hash = md5($key . $str);
    $run = variable_get('defaultcontent_run_' . $hash, FALSE);
    if (!$run) {
      $try = defaultcontent_import_menu_link($key, $default);
      if ($try) {
        variable_set('defaultcontent_run_' . $hash, TRUE);
        array_push($hashes, $hash);
    $key = array_search($hash, $inverse);
  foreach ($inverse as $i => $hash) {
    variable_del('defaultcontent_run_' . $hash);
  $hashes = array_values($hashes);
  variable_set('defaultcontent_hashes', $hashes);

 * Used to set a default
 * @param $name
 *   The machine name
 * @param $nid
 *   The nid of the node
function defaultcontent_set_default($name, $nid = NULL) {
  $current_nid = defaultcontent_get_default($name);
  if ($nid === FALSE) {
      ->condition('name', $name)
  if ($current_nid === $nid) {

    // nothing to change here
  $record = (object) array(
    'name' => $name,
    'nid' => $nid,
  $primary_keys = $current_nid === FALSE ? array() : array(
  drupal_write_record('defaultcontent', $record, $primary_keys);

 * Used to get a machine name or nid
 * @param $id
 *   An int $nid or a string machine_name
 * @return unknown_type
 *   an nid a machine name are an array of machine_name=>nid
function defaultcontent_get_default($id = FALSE) {
  if (!$id) {
    return db_select('defaultcontent', 'd')
      ->fields('d', array(
  $have = is_numeric($id) ? 'nid' : 'name';
  $want = is_numeric($id) ? 'name' : 'nid';
  $values = db_select('defaultcontent', 'd')
    ->condition($have, $id)
    ->fields('d', array(
  return !empty($values) ? $values[0] : FALSE;

 * Helper function to get a node when pass a machine name
 * TODO: i have to keep a static temp because for some reason node_load returns
 * 0 the second time around
 * @param $name
 *   A machine name
 * @return object
 *   Node object
function defaultcontent_get_node($name) {
  static $temp;
  if (is_numeric(defaultcontent_get_default($name))) {
    $nid = defaultcontent_get_default($name);
    if (!isset($temp[$nid])) {
      $temp[$nid] = node_load($nid);
    return $temp[$nid];

 * This function turns a node in to code that can be used in a
 * hook_defaultcontents
function defaultcontent_export_node($node) {
  $node = defaultcontent_export_node_process($node);
  return '(object) ' . features_var_export($node, '  ');

 * Produces an export object form a node object
function defaultcontent_export_node_process($node) {
  $plugins = defaultcontent_get_alter_plugins('export_alter');
  $export = (object) array();
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    $cb = isset($plugin['export_alter callback']) ? $plugin['export_alter callback'] : $plugin['name'] . '_export_alter';
    if (function_exists($cb)) {
      $cb($node, $export);
  return $export;

 * This function takes a node object from hook_defaultcontents and insert it
 * into the db
 * TODO: need to do something fun with files
 * TODO: need to do something fun with node refs
function defaultcontent_import_node($node) {
  $plugins = defaultcontent_get_alter_plugins();
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    $cb = isset($plugin['import_alter callback']) ? $plugin['import_alter callback'] : $plugin['name'] . '_import_alter';
    if (function_exists($cb)) {
  if (variable_get('node_content_enabled', FALSE)) {
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    $cb = isset($plugin['post_import callback']) ? $plugin['post_import callback'] : $plugin['name'] . '_post_import';
    if (function_exists($cb)) {

 * imports a new menu item
function defaultcontent_import_menu_link($key, $link) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'includes/');
  if (variable_get('node_content_enabled', FALSE)) {
    $key = defaultcontent_alter_identifier($key, FALSE);
    $existing = features_menu_link_load($key);
    if ($existing) {
      $link['mlid'] = $existing['mlid'];
    else {
      $link['mlid'] = 0;
    if (isset($link['parent_path'])) {
      $link['parent_path'] = defaultcontent_alter_path($link['parent_path'], 0);
    $link['link_path'] = defaultcontent_alter_path($link['link_path'], 0);
    $menu_links_prime[$key] = $link;
    if (!empty($link['parent_path']) && ($parent = features_menu_link_load("{$link['menu_name']}:{$link['parent_path']}"))) {
      $link['plid'] = $parent['mlid'];
    else {
      $link['plid'] = 0;
    if ($mid = menu_link_save($link)) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * use to sort component
 *  this ask all alter plugins for a import_sort callback
function defaultcontent_import_sort($a, $b) {
  $plugins = defaultcontent_get_alter_plugins();
  $cmp = 0;
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    $cb = isset($plugin['import_sort callback']) ? $plugin['import_sort callback'] : $plugin['name'] . '_import_sort';
    if (function_exists($cb)) {
      $cmp = $cb($a, $b);
  return $cmp;

 * Implementats hook_features_api().
 * we define the node_content type of export
function defaultcontent_features_api() {
  return array(
    'content' => array(
      'name' => t('Content Item'),
      'default_hook' => 'content_defaults',
      'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED,
      'features_source' => TRUE,
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'defaultcontent') . '/',
    'content_menu_links' => array(
      'name' => t('Content Menu links'),
      'default_hook' => 'content_menu_links_defaults',
      'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED,
      'features_source' => TRUE,
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'defaultcontent') . '/',

 * Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter() for the 'content' component.
function defaultcontent_features_pipe_content_alter(&$pipe, $data, $export) {

  // Ensure that this module is listed as a dependency.
  if (empty($pipe['dependencies']) || !in_array($pipe['dependencies'], 'defaultcontent')) {
    $pipe['dependencies'][] = 'defaultcontent';

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
function defaultcontent_ctools_plugin_type() {
  return array(
    'alter' => array(
      'defaults' => array(
        'export_alter weight' => 0,

 * Return all alter plugins
 * @param $use
 *   A plugin key that can be used for sorting "$use weight" will be used to
 *   sort the plugins
function defaultcontent_get_alter_plugins($use = FALSE) {
  $plugins = ctools_get_plugins('defaultcontent', 'alter');

  // check if the plugin has a enabled callback if so make sure this plugin
  // is enabled
  foreach ($plugins as $id => $plugin) {
    $cb = isset($plugin['enabled callback']) ? $plugin['enabled callback'] : $plugin['name'] . '_enabled';
    if (function_exists($cb)) {
      if (!$cb()) {
  if ($use) {
    usort($plugins, create_function('$a, $b', "return \$a['{$use} weight'] - \$b['{$use} weight'];"));
  return $plugins;

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function defaultcontent_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
  if ($module == 'defaultcontent' && $plugin == 'alter') {
    return 'plugins';

/**** Node Blocks *****/

 * we are making it so that context uses the machine name of the node
 * instead of the nid for storing the delta of the block
 * this way when it is exported it can find the content on import

 * Implements hook_context_block_info_alter().
 * we change all nodeblock to use a machine name when load into context
function defaultcontent_context_block_info_alter(&$blocks) {
  foreach ($blocks as $key => $block) {
    if ($block->module == 'nodeblock' && is_numeric($block->delta) && ($machine_name = defaultcontent_get_default($block->delta))) {
      $block->delta = $machine_name;
      $block->bid = "nodeblock-{$machine_name}";
      $blocks["nodeblock-{$machine_name}"] = $block;

 * Implements hook_context_plugins().
 * Provide a condition based on the machine name.
function defaultcontent_context_plugins() {
  $plugins = array();
  $plugins['defaultcontent_condition'] = array(
    'handler' => array(
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'defaultcontent') . '/context/plugins',
      'file' => '',
      'class' => 'defaultcontent_condition',
      'parent' => 'context_condition',
  return $plugins;

 * Implements hook_context_registry().
function defaultcontent_context_registry() {
  return array(
    'conditions' => array(
      'defaultcontent' => array(
        'title' => t('Machine Name'),
        'description' => 'Set Context based on a node\'s machine name. Provide one machine name per line.',
        'plugin' => 'defaultcontent_condition',

 * Implements hook_node_view().
function defaultcontent_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
  if (module_exists('context') && ($plugin = context_get_plugin('condition', 'defaultcontent'))) {

 * Implements hook_block_view_alter().
 *  we turn all nodeblock blocks that use machine name to use nid
function defaultcontent_block_view_alter(&$data, $block) {
  if ($block->module == 'nodeblock' && !is_numeric($block->delta) && ($nid = defaultcontent_get_default($block->delta))) {
    $data = nodeblock_block_view($nid);

 * Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().
 * changing the outbound path to the node path
function defaultcontent_url_outbound_alter_DISABLED(&$path, &$options, $original_path) {
  if (preg_match('|node-name/(.*)|', path, $matches) && ($nid = defaultcontent_get_default($matches[1]))) {
    $path = drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $nid);

 * Implements hook_preprocess_link().
 * we are going to preorcess the link function so we can make sure we set it to
 * active even if we are using the node-name path
function defaultcontent_preprocess_link_DISABLED(&$vars) {
  if (preg_match('|node-name/(.*)|', $vars['path'], $matches) && ($nid = defaultcontent_get_default($matches[1]))) {
    if ($_GET['q'] == 'node/' . $nid) {
      $vars['options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'active';

 * Implements hook_modules_disabled().
 * we want to remove default content on disable, but only content that has not
 * been overridden
function defaultcontent_modules_disabled($modules) {
  foreach ($modules as $module) {

 * Implements hook_modules_enable().
 * run our cron to insure that all of the new content is turned on
function defaultcontent_modules_enabled($modules) {

 * Removes all nodes that we created from the db

// TODO remove menu items
function defaultcontent_remove_default_content($module_name) {
  module_load_include('inc', $module_name, $module_name . '.features.content');
  $components = module_invoke($module_name, 'content_defaults');
  if (!empty($components)) {
    usort($components, 'defaultcontent_import_sort');
    foreach (array_reverse($components) as $component) {
      if ($nid = defaultcontent_get_default($component->machine_name)) {
        $node = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);
        $node = defaultcontent_export_node_process($node);

        //check if the node has change before we blow it away

        //and reimport

        //For the moment we are going to remove it regardless of its overriden status
        if (TRUE || $node == $component) {

          //we have to reset this cache or the node goes not get found by node_delete
          defaultcontent_set_default($component->machine_name, FALSE);
  return TRUE;
function defaultcontent_alter_identifier($identifier, $to_name = TRUE) {
  list($menu, $path) = explode(':', $identifier);
  $identifier = $menu . ':' . defaultcontent_alter_path($path, $to_name);
  return $identifier;
function defaultcontent_alter_path($path, $to_name = TRUE) {
  $parts = explode('/', $path);
  if ($to_name) {
    if ($parts[0] == 'node' && is_numeric($parts[1]) && ($name = defaultcontent_get_default($parts[1]))) {
      $parts[0] = 'node-name';
      $parts[1] = $name;
  elseif ($parts[0] == 'node-name' && !is_numeric($parts[1]) && ($nid = defaultcontent_get_default($parts[1]))) {
    $parts[0] = 'node';
    $parts[1] = $nid;
  return implode('/', $parts);


Namesort descending Description
defaultcontent_block_view_alter Implements hook_block_view_alter().
defaultcontent_context_block_info_alter Implements hook_context_block_info_alter().
defaultcontent_context_plugins Implements hook_context_plugins().
defaultcontent_cron Implements hook_cron().
defaultcontent_ctools_plugin_directory Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
defaultcontent_ctools_plugin_type Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
defaultcontent_export_node This function turns a node in to code that can be used in a hook_defaultcontents
defaultcontent_export_node_process Produces an export object form a node object
defaultcontent_features_api Implementats hook_features_api().
defaultcontent_features_pipe_content_alter Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter() for the 'content' component.
defaultcontent_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
defaultcontent_get_alter_plugins Return all alter plugins
defaultcontent_get_default Used to get a machine name or nid
defaultcontent_get_node Helper function to get a node when pass a machine name
defaultcontent_import_menu_link imports a new menu item
defaultcontent_import_node This function takes a node object from hook_defaultcontents and insert it into the db TODO: need to do something fun with files TODO: need to do something fun with node refs
defaultcontent_import_sort use to sort component
defaultcontent_menu Implements hook_menu().
defaultcontent_modules_disabled Implements hook_modules_disabled().
defaultcontent_modules_enabled Implements hook_modules_enable().
defaultcontent_node_delete Implements of hook_node_delete().
defaultcontent_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
defaultcontent_node_load Implements hook_node_load().
defaultcontent_node_update Implements hook_node_update().
defaultcontent_page_view Load up node
defaultcontent_permission Implements hook_permission().
defaultcontent_preprocess_link_DISABLED Implements hook_preprocess_link().
defaultcontent_set_default Used to set a default
defaultcontent_url_outbound_alter_DISABLED Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().