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AjaxAddCartConfirmationMessageTest.php in Commerce Ajax Add to Cart 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\dc_ajax_add_cart\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\Order;
use Drupal\Tests\dc_ajax_add_cart\Functional\AjaxAddCartTestBase;

 * Ajax add cart confirmation message tests.
 * @TODO The default `testing` profile is unable to render the ajax confirmation
 * message. Find out why this is happening, and move this test inside
 * `AjaxAddCartTest`. If you are able to do this, add another test just like
 * `testAjaxAddCartForm()` that would test whether confirmation message is
 * indeed ajaxified.
 * @ingroup dc_ajax_add_cart
 * @group dc_ajax_add_cart
class AjaxAddCartConfirmationMessageTest extends AjaxAddCartTestBase {

   * Profile to be used for testing.
   * @var string
  protected $profile = 'standard';

   * Tests whether the confirmation message appears after product added to cart.
  public function testConfirmationMessage() {
    $ajax_add_cart_button = $this
      ->findButton('Add to cart');

     * Confirm that the initial add to cart submit works.
    $this->cart = Order::load($this->cart
    $order_items = $this->cart
      ->assertOrderItemInOrder($this->variation, $order_items[0]);

    // Confirm that the confirmation message has appeared.
      ->pageTextContains("{$this->variation->getProduct()->label()} added to your cart.", 'Confirmation message not found.');



Namesort descending Description
AjaxAddCartConfirmationMessageTest Ajax add cart confirmation message tests.