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8 calls to DatexFormatter::getTzObject() in Datex 7

DatexFormatter::formatPHP in datex_api/
Formats a date according to format given.
DatexFormatter::getTzString in datex_api/
Returns a valid timezone string from given timezone.
DatexObject::setDate in datex_api/
Sets date and time zone.
DatexObject::setDatetime in datex_api/
Set's date from given date.
DatexObject::setTimezone in datex_api/
Sets Time Zone of internal date object.
DatexObject::__construct in datex_api/
Constructor for DatexObject.
datex_datex_format_alter in ./datex.module
Implements hook_datex_format_alter().
datex_date_date_formatter_dates_alter in datex_date/datex_date.module
Implemetns hook_date_formatter_dates_alter().