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public static function DatexCalendarIterface::convert in Datex 7.2

Methos responsible for converting Gregorian date to localized date.

Return value

array Array containing converted date, Array should be indexed from 0 to 7 in this order: year, month, day, hour, minute, month, day of year (number of days passed since day 1 of that year), day of week. Day of week MUST be from 1 to 7.

2 methods override DatexCalendarIterface::convert()
DatexGregorian::convert in datex_api/
Methos responsible for converting Gregorian date to localized date.
DatexJalali::convert in datex_api/
Converts a Gregorian date to Jalali.


datex_api/, line 45
Provides an API to work with dates.


A calendar class extending DatexObject should implement this interface to function correctly. An example implemention is DatexJalali.


public static function convert($timestamp, $offset = 0);