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10 calls to _datex_cfg() in Datex 7.2

datex_admin_form in ./
Provides administration form for datex module (menu callback).
datex_format_date in datex_api/datex_api.module
php->date() localalized version. With default values for Drupal.
datex_form_alter in ./datex.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
datex_preprocess_comment in ./datex.module
Implements hook_preprocess_comment().
datex_preprocess_node in ./datex.module
Implements hook_preprocess_node().
datex_views_data_alter in ./
Implements hook_views_data_alter().
_datex_factory in ./datex.module
Factory of datex object.
_datex_factory_with_defaults in ./datex.module
Factory of datex object with some default values.
_datex_field_calendar in ./
Find suitable calendar for field.
_datex_language_calendar in ./datex.module
Get calendar for a/current language in a mode (if given) from schema.