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public function DateRangeDurationWidgetTest::testDateRangeDurationWidget in Datetime Extras 8

Tests Date Range List Widget functionality.


tests/src/Functional/DateRangeDurationWidgetTest.php, line 84


Test the DateRangeDurationWidget for datetime_range fields.




public function testDateRangeDurationWidget() {
  $field_name = $this->fieldStorage
  $field_label = $this->field
  $session = $this
  $page = $session

  // Ensure field is set to a datetime field.
    ->setSetting('datetime_type', DateRangeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATETIME);

  // Change the widget to a daterange_duration with some default settings.
    ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $this->field
    ->getTargetBundle(), 'default')
    ->setComponent($field_name, [
    'type' => 'daterange_duration',
    'settings' => [
      'duration_granularity' => 'd:h:i',
      'time_increment' => '300',
      'default_duration' => [
        'h' => '2',
        'i' => '15',

  // Display creation form.
    ->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value][date]", '', 'Start date element found.');
    ->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value][time]", '', 'Start time element found.');
  $end_type_id = "edit-{$field_name}-0-end-type";
  $duration_radio = $this
    ->xpath('//div[@id=:id]//input[@value=:value]', [
    ':id' => $end_type_id,
    ':value' => 'duration',
    ->assertCount(1, $duration_radio, 'A radio button has a "Duration" choice.');
  $end_date_radio = $this
    ->xpath('//div[@id=:id]//input[@value=:value]', [
    ':id' => $end_type_id,
    ':value' => 'end_date',
    ->assertCount(1, $end_date_radio, 'A radio button has an "End date" choice.');

  // No JS, these should still be visible.
    ->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][end_value][date]", '', 'End date element found.');
    ->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][end_value][time]", '', 'End time element found.');

  // Check the duration field elements.
  // Make sure granularity setting works so that  y, m and s are gone:
    ->assertNoFieldByXpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-y']", NULL, 'Duration years is not shown.');
    ->assertNoFieldByXpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-m']", NULL, 'Duration months is not shown.');
    ->assertNoFieldByXpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-s']", NULL, 'Duration seconds is not shown.');

  // Make sure the default duration setting works on the remaining elements:
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '0', 'Default duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '2', 'Default duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '15', 'Default duration minutes is set correctly.');

  // Build up dates in the UTC timezone.
  $value = '1917-11-07 00:00:00';
  $start_date = new DrupalDateTime($value, 'UTC');
  $date_format = DateFormat::load('html_date')
  $time_format = DateFormat::load('html_time')

  // First, submit a start date, using the default duration (and no end
  // date) and ensure the end_value is set correctly:
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'duration',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
  preg_match('|entity_test/manage/(\\d+)|', $this
    ->getUrl(), $match);
  $id = $match[1];
    ->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been created.', [
    '@id' => $id,

  // The end date is hidden by default, so we can't just assertRaw() for the
  // date or time. Instead, assert the field values in the widget.
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '0', 'Duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '2', 'Duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '15', 'Duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1917-11-07', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '02:15:00', 'End time is set correctly.');

  // Now, submit a start date, change the duration, still no end date:
  $start_date = new DrupalDateTime('1917-11-07 03:05:00', 'UTC');
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'duration',
    // 10 days that shook the world.
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][d]" => 10,
    // And a little more, to keep things interesting.
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][h]" => 1,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][i]" => 30,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

  // Make sure the new start time is happening.

  // Check that the duration and end_value is correct:
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '10', 'Duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '1', 'Duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '30', 'Duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1917-11-17', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '04:35:00', 'End time is set correctly.');

  // Now, set a new end time directly, leaving the duration values in the
  // form, and see that when the page reloads, we have the right end time and
  // the correct new duration values pre-filled.
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'end_date',
    "{$field_name}[0][end_value][date]" => '1917-11-11',
    "{$field_name}[0][end_value][time]" => '08:45:00',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

  // start_date is '1917-11-07 03:05:00'.
  // end_value is  '1917-11-11 08:45:00'.
  // Duration should be 4 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes.
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '4', 'Duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '5', 'Duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '40', 'Duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1917-11-11', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '08:45:00', 'End time is set correctly.');

  // Now, change the widget settings to use the full duration granularity.
  // Change the widget to a daterange_duration with some default settings.
    ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $this->field
    ->getTargetBundle(), 'default')
    ->setComponent($field_name, [
    'type' => 'daterange_duration',
    'settings' => [
      'duration_granularity' => 'y:m:d:h:i:s',
      'time_increment' => '1',
      'default_duration' => [
        'd' => '2',
        'h' => '4',
        'i' => '20',
        's' => '5',

  // Start over with a new entity.

  // Make sure granularity works and we see all the duration elements:
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-y']"), '0', 'Default duration years is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-m']"), '0', 'Default duration months is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '2', 'Default duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '4', 'Default duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '20', 'Default duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-s']"), '5', 'Default duration seconds is set correctly.');

  // Ensure the default duration works with all these elements.
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'duration',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
  preg_match('|entity_test/manage/(\\d+)|', $this
    ->getUrl(), $match);
  $id = $match[1];
    ->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been created.', [
    '@id' => $id,

  // None of this should have changed.
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-y']"), '0', 'Duration years is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-m']"), '0', 'Duration months is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '2', 'Duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '4', 'Duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '20', 'Duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-s']"), '5', 'Duration seconds is set correctly.');

  // start_date is '1917-11-07 03:05:00'.
  // end_value should be '1917-11-09 07:25:05'.
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1917-11-09', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '07:25:05', 'End time is set correctly.');

  // Try to use all the duration elements with unique values.
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => $start_date
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'duration',
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][y]" => 2,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][m]" => 1,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][d]" => 4,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][h]" => 5,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][i]" => 10,
    "{$field_name}[0][duration][s]" => 45,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-y']"), '2', 'Duration years is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-m']"), '1', 'Default duration months is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '4', 'Default duration days is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '5', 'Default duration hours is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '10', 'Default duration minutes is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-s']"), '45', 'Default duration seconds is set correctly.');

  // start_date is '1917-11-07 03:05:00'.
  // end_value should be '1919-12-11 08:15:45'.
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1919-12-11', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '08:15:45', 'End time is set correctly.');

  // Test the widget for validation notifications.
  // Change the widget settings to use the full duration granularity, but
  // no default duration.
    ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $this->field
    ->getTargetBundle(), 'default')
    ->setComponent($field_name, [
    'type' => 'daterange_duration',
    'settings' => [
      'duration_granularity' => 'y:m:d:h:i:s',
      'time_increment' => '1',
      'default_duration' => [],

  // Define a start time, pick duration, set it to empty, end time should be
  // the same as start time.
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => '1917-11-07',
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => '03:00:00',
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'duration',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
  preg_match('|entity_test/manage/(\\d+)|', $this
    ->getUrl(), $match);
  $id = $match[1];
    ->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been created.', [
    '@id' => $id,
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-date']"), '1917-11-07', 'End date is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-end-value-time']"), '03:00:00', 'End time is set correctly.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-y']"), '0', 'Duration years is empty.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-m']"), '0', 'Default duration months is empty.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-d']"), '0', 'Default duration days is empty.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-h']"), '0', 'Default duration hours is empty.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-i']"), '0', 'Default duration minutes is empty.');
    ->xpath("//input[@id = 'edit-{$field_name}-0-duration-s']"), '0', 'Default duration seconds is empty.');

  // Define a start time, use end_date radio, but leave it empty.
  $edit = [
    "{$field_name}[0][value][date]" => '1917-11-07',
    "{$field_name}[0][value][time]" => '03:00:00',
    "{$field_name}[0][end_type]" => 'end_date',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertText(t('You must define either a duration or an end date.'));

  // Now, set the field to not be required and try again.

  // We should hit core's validation error about a partial daterange value.

  // Intentionally re-using the same $edit array from above.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertText(t('This value should not be null.'));

  // Completely empty values, field isn't required, should be no problem.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));
  preg_match('|entity_test/manage/(\\d+)|', $this
    ->getUrl(), $match);
  $id = $match[1];
    ->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been created.', [
    '@id' => $id,