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public function DatePopupTimepickerTimepicker::processFieldSettings in Date Popup Timepicker 7

Process field settings set in UI for further use in #timepicker options.

For example settings may be sanitized, translated, etc.


array $settings: Timepicked settings saved in field instanc.

array $element: Form API element structure to process.

array $form_state: Form state.

array $form: The whole form definition structure.

Return value

array Processed timepicker options.

Overrides DatePopupTimepicker::processFieldSettings


plugins/timepicker/, line 678


Class DatePopupTimepickerTimepicker.


public function processFieldSettings(array $settings, array $element, array &$form_state, array $form) {
  $options = isset($settings['timepicker_options']) ? $settings['timepicker_options'] : array();
  if (!empty($options)) {

    // @todo Define this list somewhere else since it's used in the DatePopupTimepickerTimepicker::fieldSettingsFormSubmit() as well.
    // @todo Shorten code if possible.
    $groups = array(
      'boolean' => array(
      'int' => array(
      'no_filtering' => array(

    // Callback for the array_walk_recursive().
    $filter = function (&$item, $key, $groups) {
      if (in_array($key, $groups['boolean'], TRUE)) {
        $item = (bool) $item;
      elseif (in_array($key, $groups['int'], TRUE)) {
        $item = (int) $item;
      elseif (in_array($key, $groups['no_filtering'], TRUE)) {

        // Do nothing.
      else {

        // @todo Use filter_xss_admin() instead?
        $item = check_plain($item);

    // Filter user submitted settings since plugin builds output by just
    // concatenation of strings so it's possible, for example,
    // to insert html into labels.
    array_walk_recursive($options, $filter, $groups);
  return $options;