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public function DatePopupTimepickerInterface::processFieldSettings in Date Popup Timepicker 7

Process field settings set in UI for further use in #timepicker options.

For example settings may be sanitized, translated, etc.


array $settings: Timepicked settings saved in field instanc.

array $element: Form API element structure to process.

array $form_state: Form state.

array $form: The whole form definition structure.

Return value

array Processed timepicker options.

1 method overrides DatePopupTimepickerInterface::processFieldSettings()
DatePopupTimepicker::processFieldSettings in includes/
Process field settings set in UI for further use in #timepicker options.


includes/, line 110
Interface and base class for timepicker plugins.


Define interface DatePopupTimepickerInterface.


public function processFieldSettings(array $settings, array $element, array &$form_state, array $form);