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7 calls to date_repeat_dow_day_options() in Date 7.3

date_content_repeat_dow_options in date_repeat_field/
Helper function for BYDAY options.
date_repeat_days_ordered in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Shift the array of iCal day names into the right order.
date_repeat_dow2day in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Translate a day of week position to the iCal day name.
date_repeat_dow_options in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Helper function for BYDAY options.
date_repeat_rrule_description in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Build a description of an iCal rule.
_date_repeat_calc in date_repeat/
Private implementation of date_repeat_calc().
_date_repeat_rrule_process in date_repeat/
Generate the repeat setting form.