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function DateMigrateExampleUnitTest::testDateImport in Date 8

Verify that date fields are imported correctly. When no timezone is explicitly provided with the source data, we want the displayed time on the Drupal site to match that in the source data. To validate that, we make sure we have set a consistent timezone at the PHP and Drupal levels, and that the format used on the page is not locale-dependent (no day or month names). Then, we can just look for the desired date/time strings in the node page.


date_migrate/lib/Drupal/date_migrate/DateMigrateExampleUnitTest.php, line 41
Test for using date fields with Migrate module.


Test date migration.




function testDateImport() {
  variable_set('date_default_timezone', 'America/Los_Angeles');
  variable_set('date_format_medium', 'Y-m-d H:i');
  $migration = Migration::getInstance('DateExample');
  $result = $migration
    ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Variety term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
  $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
    'type' => 'date_migrate_example',
  ), TRUE);
    ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 2, t('Two sample nodes created'));
  $node = reset($rawnodes);
    ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid);
    ->assertText('2011-05-12 19:43', t('Simple date field found'));
    ->assertText('2011-06-13 18:32 to 2011-07-23 10:32', t('Date range field found'));
    ->assertText('2011-07-22 12:13', t('Datestamp field found'));
    ->assertText('2011-08-01 00:00 to 2011-09-01 00:00', t('Datestamp range field found'));
    ->assertText('2011-11-18 15:00', t('Datetime field with +9 timezone found'));
    ->assertText('2011-10-30 14:43 to 2011-12-31 17:59', t('Datetime range field with -5 timezone found'));
    ->assertText('2011-11-25 09:01', t('First date repeat instance found'));
    ->assertText('2011-12-09 09:01', t('Second date repeat instance found'));
    ->assertNoText('2011-12-23 09:01', t('Skipped date repeat instance not found'));
    ->assertText('2012-05-11 09:01', t('Last date repeat instance found'));
  $node = next($rawnodes);
    ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid);
    ->assertText('2012-06-21 15:32', t('First date value found'));
    ->assertText('2012-12-02 11:08', t('Second date value found'));
    ->assertText('2004-02-03 01:15', t('Start for first date range found'));
    ->assertText('2005-03-04 22:11', t('End for first date range found'));
    ->assertText('2014-09-01 17:21', t('Start for second date range found'));
    ->assertText('2015-12-23 00:01', t('End for first second range found'));