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8 calls to date_limit_format() in Date 6

date_combo_process in date/
Process an individual date element.
date_formatter_format in date/date.module
Helper function to return the date format used by a specific formatter.
date_formatter_process in date/date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_format_options in date/
Store personalized format options for each user.
date_popup_input_value in date_popup/date_popup.module
Helper function for extracting a date value out of user input.
date_popup_process_date in date_popup/date_popup.module
Process the date portion of the element.
date_popup_process_time in date_popup/date_popup.module
Process the time portion of the element.
theme_date_views_browser_period_label in date/date.theme
Theme for the current period label name