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9 calls to date_get_timezone() in Date 5.2

date_data_integrity in date/date.install
Progressive update of date information, integrity checking of all date values.
date_field in date/date.module
Implementation of hook_field().
date_field_get_sql_handler in date/date.module
Generate a DateAPI SQL handler for the given CCK date field.
date_formatter_process in date/date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_prepare_node in date/date.module
Helper function to adapt multiple date fields on a node to view parameters.
date_repeat_build_dates in date/
Helper function to build repeating dates from a $node_field.
_date_field_update in date/
Private implementation of hook_field update and insert operations.
_date_pathauto_node in date/
_date_widget in date/
Private implementation of hook_widget().