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16 calls to date_default_timezone_name() in Date 6

date_api_argument_handler::get_query_fields in ./
date_copy_convert_events in date_copy/date_copy.module
date_default_timezone in ./date_api.module
A timezone object for the default timezone.
date_formatter_process in date/date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_get_timezone in date/date.module
Function to figure out which timezone applies to a date and select it
date_ical_date in ./
Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone.
date_ical_export in ./
Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file
date_local_date in date/
Create local date object.
date_make_date in ./date_api.module
Convert a date of any type or an array of date parts into a valid date object.
date_popup_elements in date_popup/date_popup.module
Implementation of hook_elements().
date_sql_handler::construct in ./
date_sql_handler::sql_where_date in ./
Create a where clause to compare a complete date field to a complete date value.
date_token_values in date/
date_week_range in ./date_api.module
Start and end dates for a calendar week, adjusted to use the chosen first day of week for this site.
_date_api_elements in ./
Implementation of hook_elements().
_date_widget in date/
Private implementation of hook_widget().