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7 calls to date_pad() in Date 7.2

DateObject::toISO in date_api/date_api.module
Creates an ISO date from an array of values.
date_days_in_month in date_api/date_api.module
Identifies the number of days in a month for a date.
date_ical_parse_date in date_api/
Parses a ical date element.
date_pager_url in date_views/date_views.module
A version of date_real_url that formats links correctly for the Date pager.
date_views_argument_handler_simple::get_default_argument in date_views/includes/
Set the empty argument value to the current date.
template_preprocess_date_views_pager in date_views/theme/
Preprocess function for Date pager template.
theme_date_nav_title in date_views/theme/
Theme the calendar title.