25 calls to date_now() in Date 7.3
- DateApiTestCase::testDateApi in date_api/
tests/ DateApiTestCase.test - Test date_format_date().
- DateNowUnitTestCase::testDateNowNoTimezone in tests/
DateNowUnitTestCase.test - Test without passing a timezone.
- DateNowUnitTestCase::testDateNowObjectTimezones in tests/
DateNowUnitTestCase.test - Test with object timezones.
- DateNowUnitTestCase::testDateNowStringTimezones in tests/
DateNowUnitTestCase.test - Test with a string timezone.
- DateObject::arrayErrors in date_api/
date_api.module - Finds possible errors in an array of date part values.
- DateObject::forceValid in date_api/
date_api.module - Converts a date part into something that will produce a valid date.
- date_api_status in date_api/
date_api.module - Helper function to retun the status of required date variables.
- date_days_in_year in date_api/
date_api.module - Identifies the number of days in a year for a date.
- date_day_of_week in date_api/
date_api.module - Returns day of week for a given date (0 = Sunday).
- date_default_value_part in ./
date_elements.inc - Default value callback to set either 'value', 'value2' to its default value.
- date_devel_generate in ./
date.devel_generate.inc - Implements hook_devel_generate().
- date_example_date in date_api/
date_api.module - Creates an example date.
- date_ical_parse_duration in date_api/
date_api_ical.inc - Parses the duration of the event.
- date_iso_weeks_in_year in date_api/
date_api.module - Identifies the number of ISO weeks in a year for a date.
- date_popup_process_date_part in date_popup/
date_popup.module - Process the date portion of the element.
- date_popup_process_time_part in date_popup/
date_popup.module - Process the time portion of the element.
- date_range_string in date_api/
date_api.module - Converts a min and max year into a string like '-3:+1'.
- date_range_years in date_api/
date_api.module - Splits a string like -3:+3 or 2001:2010 into an array of start and end years.
- date_sql_handler::arg_parts in date_api/
date_api_sql.inc - Parse date parts from an ISO date argument.
- date_sql_handler::arg_range in date_api/
date_api_sql.inc - Determine the min and max date for this period.
- date_sql_handler::get_offset in date_api/
date_api_sql.inc - Return timezone offset for the date being processed.
- date_views_argument_handler_simple::get_default_argument in date_views/
includes/ date_views_argument_handler_simple.inc - Set the empty argument value to the current date.
- date_views_filter_handler_simple::year_range in date_views/
includes/ date_views_filter_handler_simple.inc - @todo Document this.
- hook_date_default_argument_alter in ./
date.api.php - Alter the default value for a date argument.
- theme_date_time_ago in date_api/
theme/ theme.inc - Returns HTML for a date in the format 'time ago'.