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16 calls to date_format_order() in Date 7.3

date_combo_validate in ./
Validate and update a combo element.
date_default_date in date_api/
Create a date object from a datetime string value.
date_parts_element in date_api/
Creates form elements for one or more date parts.
date_popup_date_granularity in date_popup/date_popup.module
Date popup date granularity.
date_popup_element_value_callback in date_popup/date_popup.module
Element value callback for date_popup element.
date_popup_input_date in date_popup/date_popup.module
Helper function for extracting a date value out of user input.
date_popup_process_date_part in date_popup/date_popup.module
Process the date portion of the element.
date_popup_process_time_part in date_popup/date_popup.module
Process the time portion of the element.
date_popup_time_granularity in date_popup/date_popup.module
Date popup time granularity.
date_popup_validate in date_popup/date_popup.module
Massage the input values back into a single date.
date_select_element_process in date_api/
Flexible date/time drop-down selector.
date_select_element_value_callback in date_api/
Element value callback for date_select element.
date_select_input_date in date_api/
Helper function for creating a date object out of user input.
date_text_input_date in date_api/
Helper function for creating a date object out of user input.
date_views_filter_handler_simple::input_validate in date_views/includes/
Return form state input array appropriate to missing, valid, invalid input.
date_views_select_validate in date_views/date_views.module
Validation hook for exposed filters that use the select widget.