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public function DateMigrateFieldHandler::prepare in Date 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 date_migrate/ \DateMigrateFieldHandler::prepare()
  2. 7.2 \DateMigrateFieldHandler::prepare()

Converts incoming data into the proper field arrays for Date fields.


object $entity: The destination entity which will hold the field arrays.

array $field_info: Metadata for the date field being populated.

array $instance: Metadata for this instance of the date field being populated.

array $values: Array of date values to be fielded.

Return value

array|null An array of date fields.


./, line 58


Support for migration into Date fields.


public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) {
  if (isset($values['arguments'])) {
    $arguments = $values['arguments'];
  else {
    $arguments = array();
  $language = $this
    ->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments);
  foreach ($values as $delta => $from) {
    if (!empty($arguments['timezone'])) {
      if (is_array($arguments['timezone'])) {
        $timezone = $arguments['timezone'][$delta];
      else {
        $timezone = $arguments['timezone'];
    else {
      $timezone = 'UTC';
    if (!empty($arguments['rrule'])) {
      if (is_array($arguments['rrule'])) {
        $rrule = $arguments['rrule'][$delta];
      else {
        $rrule = $arguments['rrule'];
    else {
      $rrule = NULL;
    if (!empty($arguments['to'])) {
      if (is_array($arguments['to'])) {
        $to = $arguments['to'][$delta];
      else {
        $to = $arguments['to'];
    else {
      $to = NULL;

    // Legacy support for JSON containing a set of properties - deprecated
    // now that we have subfields.
    if (!empty($from[0]) && $from[0] == '{') {
      $properties = drupal_json_decode($from);
      $from = $properties['from'];

      // Properties passed in with the date override any set via arguments.
      if (!empty($properties['to'])) {
        $to = $properties['to'];
      if (!empty($properties['timezone'])) {
        $timezone = $properties['timezone'];
      if (!empty($properties['rrule'])) {
        $rrule = $properties['rrule'];

    // Missing data? Create an empty value and return; Don't try to turn the
    // empty value into a bogus timestamp for 'now'.
    if (empty($from)) {
      $return[$language][$delta]['value'] = NULL;
      $return[$language][$delta]['timezone'] = NULL;
      if (!empty($field_info['settings']['todate'])) {
        $return[$language][$delta]['value2'] = NULL;
      return $return;

    // If there is no 'to' date, just use the 'from' date.
    if (!empty($field_info['settings']['todate']) && empty($to)) {
      $to = $from;

    // If we have a value, work from a timestamp.
    $from = MigrationBase::timestamp($from);
    if ($to) {
      $to = MigrationBase::timestamp($to);

    // What does the destination field expect?
    switch ($field_info['type']) {
      case 'datestamp':

        // Already done.
      case 'datetime':

        // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
        $from = format_date($from, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timezone);
        if ($to) {
          $to = format_date($to, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timezone);
      case 'date':

        // ISO date: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
        $from = format_date($from, 'custom', 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $timezone);
        if ($to) {
          $to = format_date($to, 'custom', 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $timezone);

    // Handle repeats, coming in as RRULEs. Many field instances may be
    // created.
    if (function_exists('date_repeat_build_dates') && !empty($field_info['settings']['repeat']) && $rrule) {
      include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
      $item = array(
        'value' => $from,
        'value2' => $to,
        'timezone' => $timezone,

      // Can be de-uglified when is committed.
      $return[$language] = date_repeat_build_dates(NULL, date_ical_parse_rrule($field_info, $rrule), $field_info, $item);
    else {
      $return[$language][$delta]['value'] = $from;
      $return[$language][$delta]['timezone'] = $timezone;
      if (!empty($to)) {
        $return[$language][$delta]['value2'] = $to;
  if (!isset($return)) {
    $return = NULL;
  return $return;