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13 calls to date_install_load() in Date 6

date_disable in date/date.install
Implementation of hook_disable(). Empty the date caches.
date_enable in date/date.install
Implementation of hook_enable(). Reset the calendar caches.
date_install in date/date.install
Implementation of hook_install(). Reset the date caches.
date_uninstall in date/date.install
Implementation of hook_uninstall().
date_update_5100 in date/date.install
Prepare for Version 5.2 updates, make changes to field and widget settings.
date_update_5102 in date/date.install
Make sure date module loads after date_api.
date_update_5104 in date/date.install
Move these caches from 'cache' to 'cache_views' so they get cleared automatically whenever views_invalidate_cache() is called.
date_update_5200 in date/date.install
Version 5.2 updates.
date_update_5201 in date/date.install
Get rid of jscalendar popup and use jQuery popup instead.
date_update_5202 in date/date.install
Database integrity update, supercedes most previous data integrity updates.
date_update_5203 in date/date.install
Data integrity update, supercedes most previous data integrity updates.
date_update_5204 in date/date.install
Get rid of deprecated timezone names.
date_update_5205 in date/date.install