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CHANGELOG.txt in Date 7

Date Module 7.x

Version 7.x-1.x-dev

- Add some error trapping in case the parent dateObject is unable to make a date out of a string to avoid showing the user errors.
- #1027752 by B-Prod and dboulet, Fix missing table join on argument summary view.
- #1047412 by das-peter - Using date filter in February causes "The day is invalid" error.
- #1014162 Now that the datefield processing expands to date & time, the form_value is corrupted.
- Changes to the data migration code to work with latest iteration of Content Migrate.

Version 7.x-1.0-alpha2

- Views made lots of changes to field handling just before the new release, which broke lots of things here. 
- Adding some work-arounds to get things working again and waiting until the dust settles on how the new core fields will be handled in Views before doing much more with the Views integration. These changes should get things working with latest Views release.

Version 7.x-1.0-alpha1

- Initial release, probably still buggy.
- Remove Date PHP4, no longer needed because PHP4 is not supported any more. 
- Remove Date Timezone, now handled by core.


View source
  1. Date Module 7.x
  2. =================
  3. =================
  4. Version 7.x-1.x-dev
  5. =================
  6. - Add some error trapping in case the parent dateObject is unable to make a date out of a string to avoid showing the user errors.
  7. - #1027752 by B-Prod and dboulet, Fix missing table join on argument summary view.
  8. - #1047412 by das-peter - Using date filter in February causes "The day is invalid" error.
  9. - #1014162 Now that the datefield processing expands to date & time, the form_value is corrupted.
  10. - Changes to the data migration code to work with latest iteration of Content Migrate.
  11. ======================
  12. Version 7.x-1.0-alpha2
  13. ======================
  14. - Views made lots of changes to field handling just before the new release, which broke lots of things here.
  15. - Adding some work-arounds to get things working again and waiting until the dust settles on how the new core fields will be handled in Views before doing much more with the Views integration. These changes should get things working with latest Views release.
  16. ======================
  17. Version 7.x-1.0-alpha1
  18. ======================
  19. - Initial release, probably still buggy.
  20. - Remove Date PHP4, no longer needed because PHP4 is not supported any more.
  21. - Remove Date Timezone, now handled by core.