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7 string references to 'data_policy.data_policy' in Data Policy 8

DataPolicyConsentManager::addCheckbox in src/DataPolicyConsentManager.php
Add checkbox to form which allow user give consent on data policy.
DataPolicyRevisionEdit::save in src/Form/DataPolicyRevisionEdit.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
DataPolicySettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/DataPolicySettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
DataPolicySettingsForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/DataPolicySettingsForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
data_policy_update_8003 in ./data_policy.install
Add default consent_text to data policy and set default entity name.
data_policy_update_8009 in ./data_policy.install
Update "user_consent" required field for all old entities.
RedirectSubscriber::checkForRedirection in src/RedirectSubscriber.php
This method is called when the KernelEvents::REQUEST event is dispatched.