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12 calls to data_get_all_tables() in Data 6

DataTestCaseAPI::testAPIFunctions in tests/data.test
Test API functions of DataTable and DataHandler.
data_node_block in data_node/data_node.module
Implementation of hook_block().
data_node_views_data in data_node/views/
Implementation of hook_views_data().
data_schema_alter in ./data.module
Implementation of hook_schema_alter().
data_search_get_tables in data_search/data_search.module
Gather all tables which might be eligible for searching.
data_taxonomy_views_data in data_taxonomy/views/
Implementation of hook_views_data().
data_ui_compare in data_ui/
Comparison page.
data_ui_manage in data_ui/
Main page for data table management.
data_ui_view in data_ui/
List all tables for viewing content.
data_ui_views_default_views in data_ui/
Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
data_vbo_views_bulk_operations_object_info in data_vbo/data_vbo.module
Implementation of hook_views_bulk_operations_object_info().
data_views_data in ./
Implementation of hook_views_data().