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pagenotfound.test in Customerror 5

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  1. 6 tests/pagenotfound.test


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class PageNotFoundTest extends DrupalTestCase {
  function get_info() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('404 Page not found'),
      'desc' => t('Check that the custom error message is displayed when a page is not found.'),
      'group' => t('CustomError'),
  function testPageNotFoundMessage() {

    /* Enable CustomError module */

    /* Set title and text of error message */
    $error_code = 404;
    $title = $this
      ->randomName($number = 10, $prefix = 'simpletest_');
      ->drupalVariableSet('customerror_' . $error_code . '_title', $title);
    $description = $this
      ->randomName($number = 512, $prefix = 'simpletest_');
      ->drupalVariableSet('customerror_' . $error_code, $description);

    /* Access error page directly, check for title and text of error message */
      ->get(url('customerror/' . $error_code, NULL, NULL, TRUE));
      ->assertText($title, 'Title on ' . $error_code . ' error page set when accessed directly');
      ->assertText($description, 'Description on ' . $error_code . ' error page set when accessed directly');

    /* Point Drupal to the new error message */
      ->drupalVariableSet('site_' . $error_code, 'customerror/' . $error_code);

    /* Log in as a user with basic privileges */
    $user = $this
      'access content',

    /* Access next node ID, shouldn't exist yet. Note that this increments the nid each time it's run. */
      ->get(url('node/' . db_next_id('{node}_nid'), NULL, NULL, TRUE));

    /* Check for response code, title and text of error message */
      ->assertResponse($error_code, 'Response code on ' . $error_code . ' error page set when accessed at non-existent URL');
      ->assertText($title, 'Title on ' . $error_code . ' error page set when accessed at non-existent URL');
      ->assertText($description, 'Description on ' . $error_code . ' error page set when accessed at non-existent URL');

    /* Could also create node, prove it's accessible, delete it, then try to access again and prove it's gone */



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