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custom_breadcrumbs_features.install in Custom Breadcrumbs Features 7.2

Install file for custom_breadcrumbs_features.

  • Adds a machine_name field in custom_breadcrumbs tables.
  • Generates machine names for crumbs that miss one.


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 * @file
 * Install file for custom_breadcrumbs_features.
 * - Adds a machine_name field in custom_breadcrumbs tables.
 * - Generates machine names for crumbs that miss one.

 * Implements hook_schema_alter().
 * Declare machine_name field in breadcrumb tables.
function custom_breadcrumbs_schema_alter(&$schema) {

  // Load .module so we can retrieve types.
  drupal_load('module', 'custom_breadcrumbs_features');
  $tables = array_keys(_custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types());
  foreach ($tables as $table) {
    $schema[$table]['fields']['machine_name'] = array(
      'type' => 'varchar',
      'length' => 128,
      'not null' => FALSE,
      'description' => 'The unique machine name for the custom breadcrumb.',
    $schema[$table]['unique keys']['machine_name'] = array(

 * Implements hook_modules_installed().
 * Add machine_name field in newly installed breadcrumb tables.
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_modules_installed($modules) {
  $cb_types = _custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types();
  foreach ($cb_types as $table => $cb_type) {

    // Keep only modules newly installed.
    if (in_array($cb_type['module'], $modules) && !db_field_exists($table, 'machine_name')) {

      // Add field machine_name.
      $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
      db_add_field($table, 'machine_name', $schema['fields']['machine_name']);
      db_add_unique_key($table, 'machine_name', $schema['unique keys']['machine_name']);

 * Implements hook_modules_enabled().
 * Generate missing machine names (crumbs created by submodules's hook_install).
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_modules_enabled($modules) {
  $cb_types = _custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types();
  foreach ($cb_types as $table => $cb_type) {

    // Keep only modules newly installed.
    if (in_array($cb_type['module'], $modules) && db_field_exists($table, 'machine_name')) {

      // Generate machine names.

 * Implements hook_install().
 * Add machine_name field in all installed breadcrumb tables.
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_install() {
  $tables = array_keys(_custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types());

  // Keep only tables installed.
  $tables = array_filter($tables, 'db_table_exists');

  // Add field machine_name.
  foreach ($tables as $table) {
    $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
    db_add_field($table, 'machine_name', $schema['fields']['machine_name']);
    db_add_unique_key($table, 'machine_name', $schema['unique keys']['machine_name']);

 * Implements hook_enable().
 * Generate missing machine names (e.g. crumbs created prior to installing this module).
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_enable() {
  $tables = array_keys(_custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types());

  // Keep only tables installed.
  $tables = array_filter($tables, 'db_table_exists');

  // Generate machine names.
  foreach ($tables as $table) {

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
 * Remove machine_name field from all installed breadcrumb tables.
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_uninstall() {

  // Load .module so we can retrieve types.
  drupal_load('module', 'custom_breadcrumbs_features');
  $tables = array_keys(_custom_breadcrumbs_features_get_types());

  // Keep only tables installed.
  $tables = array_filter($tables, 'db_table_exists');

  // Remove field machine_name.
  foreach ($tables as $table) {
    db_drop_field($table, 'machine_name');
    db_drop_unique_key($table, 'machine_name');

 * Generates machine names for crumbs that do not have one.
 * Note: we assume users do not store hundreds of breadcrumb configs.
 * Otherwise we should probably use the batch api.
 * @param $table
 *   Table storing crumbs.
 * @return
 *   Updated crumbs keyed by machine name.
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_generate_missing_machine_names($table) {
  $transaction = db_transaction();

  // Get crumbs that miss a machine name.
  $crumbs = db_select($table, 'cb')

  // Generate machine names, if needed.
  if ($crumbs
    ->rowCount()) {

    // Get max length of machine_name field.
    $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
    $maxlength = $schema['fields']['machine_name']['length'];
    foreach ($crumbs as $crumb) {

      // Generate unique machine name.
      $i = 0;
      do {
        $machine_name = custom_breadcrumbs_features_transliterate($crumb->name, $maxlength) . ($i ? "_{$i}" : '');
      } while (custom_breadcrumbs_features_generic_load($machine_name, $table));

      // Update crumb in DB.
      $crumb->machine_name = $machine_name;
      drupal_write_record($table, $crumb, array(
      drupal_set_message(t('Generated machine name %machine for @type %name.', array(
        '%machine' => $machine_name,
        '@type' => $table,
        '%name' => $crumb->name,

 * Transliterate a human readable name into a machine name.
 * @param $name
 *   Human readable name to convert.
 * @param $maxlength
 *   Maximum length of machine name.
 * @return
 *   Machine name.
 * @see Drupal.behaviors.machineName.transliterate().
function custom_breadcrumbs_features_transliterate($name, $maxlength) {
  $name = drupal_strtolower($name);
  $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]+/', '_', $name);
  $name = drupal_substr($name, 0, $maxlength);
  return $name;