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CHANGELOG.txt in Custom Breadcrumbs 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
Issue #871564 by MGN: Added missing instructions on the use of php tags.
Issue #846948 by james.williams and MGN: New feature adds panel variant support.
Issue #1130618 by luigisa: Fixes bug in stripping out language prefix on path breadcrumbs.
Issue #1119910 by stella: Fixes bug resulting in stale menu breadcrumb.
Issue #1054830 by rv0 and MGN: Removed incorrect line from hook_init.
Issue #1071978 by MGN: New feature to append page title on all custom breadcrumbs.
Issue #480774 (revisited) by roderik and MGN: Fixes bug in failing to include
the to provide the simple_breadcrumb_table in
custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy module.
Issue #839222 by roderik: Fixes bug in setting the correct weight of
the custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy module.
Issue #1049558 by AlexisWilke: Fixes E_NOTICE error.
Issue #1058290 by fivefrank: Do not show Custom Breadcrumbs for Taxonomy form
when adding a taxonomy term or vocabulary.
Issue #1089844 by MGN: Make the use of most recent term optional for cb_taxonomy.
Issue #1022632 by MGN: Make use of session variables optional for anonymous users.
Issue #1021238 by MGN: Fix problems with breadcrumb caching for anonymous users.
#1020808 by MGN: Fixes E_NOTICE because of list() usage.
#901366 by MGN: New feature allows a title attribute (tooltip text) to be
specified for each crumb.
* by MGN: Fixing minor formatting inconsistencies and deleting persistent 
variables when uninstalling.
#1002568 by awolfey and MGN: New feature provides option to Wrap <none> in span 
tags in custom_breadcrumbs_identifier.
#872898 by MGN: Fix custom_breadcrumbs_unique_breadcrumb_id() so it does not 
return a value even when a custom breadcrumb has not been set.
#864534 by MGN: Allow for more than one taxonomy term page.
#797470 by Sohodojo Jim and MGN: Use depth of first wildcard to determine best 
matching path.
#796668 by mrfelton: Fix to allow the use menu structure option to work 
correctly when a node is placed into multiple menus.
#944756 by MGN: Use variables array to provide objects for token substituion in 
hook_preprocess functions.
#934316 by MGN: Use hook_preprocess_page instead of hook_preprocess when 
providing global home and paths-based breadcrumbs.
#898750 by MGN: Allow custom breadcrumbs taxonomy to work with taxonomy term 
pages that have overriden by panels.
#932716 by wapnik: Fixes E_NOTICE warning.
#884370 by murraybiscuit and MGN: Fixed pathauto special identifier code to 
work the latest version of the pathauto_cleanstring function.
#872926 by MGN: Added documentation on the use of php tags in breadcrumb 
visibility field.
#882010 by MGN: Fixed bug in breadcrumb caching that prevented custom 
breadcrumbs from being set for module pages.
#661346 by MGN: New feature implements hook_content_extra_field to manage and 
edit the custom breadcrumbs fieldset on node pages.
#839222 by MGN: Ensure that custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy has a greater weight 
than i18ntaxonomy.
#792460 by kndr: Fixes incorrect default value of 
* by MGN: Reduce database queries when finding module weights.
#820686 by MGN: Provide custom breadcrumbs for panel pages stored in code.
#697674 by MGN: Fixes custom_breadcrumbs_panels to work with panel node
* by MGN: sanitize user input for and avoid fatal errors due to non existant 
files in taxonomy breadcrumbs.
#734758 by andyceo and MGN: Fix typos on module pages and README.txt file.
Improve documentation.
#643796 by heyyo, Danny_Joris, and MGN: New feature adds css classes to custom
breadcrumb items.
#739600 by andyceo and MGN: Integration with Image Gallery module.
#721708 by dereine and MGN: Use display_plugin name to identify allowed
displays for custom breadcrumbs.
#714450 by marrch_caat and MGN: Node data can be corrupted by PHP snippet
#723704 by MGN: Fix assignment of template breadcrumb variable.
#701902 by MGN: Do not attempt to validate form if php is used in titles and
#680026 by MGN: Fix to properly process default arguments in views.
#627792 by MGN: Move hook_init code into hook_preprocess.
#658586 by jcmarco and Dave Reid: Add support for vertical tabs.
#667132 by MGN: Fix bug in custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy breadcrumb with
non-default language.
* by MGN: cleanup custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy code.
#658296 by MGN: New feature to provide an option to show the current taxonomy
term in the breadcrumb trail.
#664538 by maijs: Add support for free tags.
#678208 by MGN: Provide views object when defining breadcrumb titles and paths
using php.
* by MGN: Strip php tags in titles and paths if user doesn't have appropriate
permission to use php.
* by MGN: Updating README.txt
* by MGN: Code, comment, and translatable strings cleanup.
#644512 by MGN: Changing module weights can break CB settings form.
#623274 by guix: Fix processing of multiple views arguments.
#616976 by MGN: Correctly identify taxonomy term page for taxonomy type
#540766 by MGN: New feature to provide custom breadcrumbs according to theme 
#594394 by MGN: Require php code tags when using php for titles and paths.
* by MGN: Allow strings used for page titles to be translated.
* by MGN: Code and UI cleanup.
* by MGN: New feature to prevent custom breadrumbs from modifying the
breadcrumbs for some pages by path.
#595066 by MGN: New feature to select menus to be used to provide custom
breadcrumbs based on menu structure.
* by MGN: Delete all custom breadcrumbs variables when the module is
#533784 by MGN: New feature provides an option that allows the use of php in
titles and paths.
#583550 by MGN: New feature allows the admin to name breadcrumbs to make them
easier to find.
#584246 by MGN: Improved handling of custom breadcrumbs for views with explicit
arguments and multiple displays.
#582636 by MGN: Permit blank breadcrumbs when title is set to <none>.
#581550 by MGN: Fixed a bug that prevented default views from being listed on
the add custom breadcrumb for view form.
#543536 by MGN and gapple. Remove double, leading, and trailing slashes from 
#574844 by MGN: Fixed incorrect uses of t().
* by MGN: Added custom_breadcrumbsapi submodule. This module provides a simple
          api to allow custom breadcrumbs to be defined for specified module 
          pages. To implement this, module developers need to implement a
          hook_custom_breadcrumbsapi function and add a single line of code in
          each page callback function. Details are specified in README.txt.
* by MGN: Fixed a bug in custom_breadcrumbs_path_cb_node_form_table to allow 
path breadcrumbs with wildcards to be listed in the custom breadcrumbs fieldset
 on the node edit page.
#513702 by MGN: Improve selection of path breadcrumb when wildcards are present.
* by MGN: Improved token replacement for views with arguments.
* by MGN: New feature to use most recent term (instead of lightest term) for 
better breadcrumbs for nodes that have several taxonomy terms.
#554918 by MGN: rewrite get lightest term function to account for weights of 
parent terms.
#543968 by MGN: New feature to support breadcrumbs with query strings.
#539416 by MGN: Fix coding errors producing php warnings.
#538180 by MGN: Taxonomy Breadcrumb should not show current term on term page 
by default.
#407052 by MGN and vthirteen: Added documentation to amplify what can be done 
using the advanced option to set the home breadcrumb sitewide (or remove it 
#516704 by MGN: Breadcrumb support for delegated (panel) pages.
#519608 by MGN and realityloop: Do not provide a view breadcrumb if the view is
embeded in a panel page.
* by MGN: Do not rebuild theme registry unless force active trail option is
* by MGN: New feature to optionally adjust custom breadcrumb module weights via 
dragable table on the custom breadcrumbs settings form.
#532618 by dan3h and MGN: Wrong vocabulary-name shown for term (using
#530638 by MGN: Fatal error when running update.php.
* by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_NOTICE warnings.
* by MGN: consolidate some common functions used by submodules into new file
#523678 by MGN: New feature to provide option for Home breadcrumb text to
replace "Home" on all pages.
#521000 by MGN: Title and path for custom vocabulary and term breadcrumbs
doesn't work well.
#519524 by MGN: Name not displayed correctly with 3 level deep taxonomy terms.
#517010 by MGN: Wrong custom breadcrumb on view with multiple pages.
#510716 by pinkradical: Path strings are case sensitive.
* by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_NOTICE warnings.
* by MGN: modified custom_breadcrumbs_token_types to accept multiple objects as
an array for improved token replacement.
#516060 by MGN: Malformed Taxonomy Breadcrumb.
#501308 by MGN: New feature to allow the taxonomy breadcrumb to be appended to
the existing breadcrumb and work with views.
#513652 by nicholasThompson: Update_6001 has invalid use of db_add_field.
* by MGN: corrected hook_theme omission for custom breadcrumbs help identifiers.
* by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_ALL warnings.
* by MGN: corrected inappropriate use of t().
* by MGN: fixed typo in module_load_include statements.
#485062 by MGN: New feature to provide breadcrumb for views based on menu tree.
#493966 by MGN: Allow custom breadcrumbs to be defined for calendar view pages.
#490532 by MGN: New feature to use hook_init to provide breadcrumbs for menu 
items (module pages).
#491326 by MGN: Fix to ensure that is loaded if pathauto is
enabled and prevent breadcrumb from being set without a defined custom breadcrumb.
* by MGN: Load the first node of a view for token replacement.
* by MGN: Use hook_views_pre_render() instead of hook_menu_alter() in
#481730 by MGN: Description about wildcard matching is incorrect and misleading.
#484496 by MGN: Custom_breadcrumbs.install should not use t() in hook_schema().
#483060 by MGN: New feature to allow for named anchors in breadcrumbs paths.
#472068 by Xano and MGN: Improve hook_menu_alter override for modules claiming
taxonomy/term/tid pages.


View source
  1. Issue #871564 by MGN: Added missing instructions on the use of php tags.
  2. Issue #846948 by james.williams and MGN: New feature adds panel variant support.
  3. Issue #1130618 by luigisa: Fixes bug in stripping out language prefix on path breadcrumbs.
  4. Issue #1119910 by stella: Fixes bug resulting in stale menu breadcrumb.
  5. Issue #1054830 by rv0 and MGN: Removed incorrect line from hook_init.
  6. Issue #1071978 by MGN: New feature to append page title on all custom breadcrumbs.
  7. Issue #480774 (revisited) by roderik and MGN: Fixes bug in failing to include
  8. the to provide the simple_breadcrumb_table in
  9. custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy module.
  10. Issue #839222 by roderik: Fixes bug in setting the correct weight of
  11. the custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy module.
  12. Issue #1049558 by AlexisWilke: Fixes E_NOTICE error.
  13. Issue #1058290 by fivefrank: Do not show Custom Breadcrumbs for Taxonomy form
  14. when adding a taxonomy term or vocabulary.
  15. Issue #1089844 by MGN: Make the use of most recent term optional for cb_taxonomy.
  16. Issue #1022632 by MGN: Make use of session variables optional for anonymous users.
  17. Issue #1021238 by MGN: Fix problems with breadcrumb caching for anonymous users.
  18. #1020808 by MGN: Fixes E_NOTICE because of list() usage.
  19. #901366 by MGN: New feature allows a title attribute (tooltip text) to be
  20. specified for each crumb.
  21. * by MGN: Fixing minor formatting inconsistencies and deleting persistent
  22. variables when uninstalling.
  23. #1002568 by awolfey and MGN: New feature provides option to Wrap in span
  24. tags in custom_breadcrumbs_identifier.
  25. #872898 by MGN: Fix custom_breadcrumbs_unique_breadcrumb_id() so it does not
  26. return a value even when a custom breadcrumb has not been set.
  27. #864534 by MGN: Allow for more than one taxonomy term page.
  28. #797470 by Sohodojo Jim and MGN: Use depth of first wildcard to determine best
  29. matching path.
  30. #796668 by mrfelton: Fix to allow the use menu structure option to work
  31. correctly when a node is placed into multiple menus.
  32. #944756 by MGN: Use variables array to provide objects for token substituion in
  33. hook_preprocess functions.
  34. #934316 by MGN: Use hook_preprocess_page instead of hook_preprocess when
  35. providing global home and paths-based breadcrumbs.
  36. #898750 by MGN: Allow custom breadcrumbs taxonomy to work with taxonomy term
  37. pages that have overriden by panels.
  38. #932716 by wapnik: Fixes E_NOTICE warning.
  39. #884370 by murraybiscuit and MGN: Fixed pathauto special identifier code to
  40. work the latest version of the pathauto_cleanstring function.
  41. #872926 by MGN: Added documentation on the use of php tags in breadcrumb
  42. visibility field.
  43. #882010 by MGN: Fixed bug in breadcrumb caching that prevented custom
  44. breadcrumbs from being set for module pages.
  45. #661346 by MGN: New feature implements hook_content_extra_field to manage and
  46. edit the custom breadcrumbs fieldset on node pages.
  47. #839222 by MGN: Ensure that custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy has a greater weight
  48. than i18ntaxonomy.
  49. #792460 by kndr: Fixes incorrect default value of
  50. custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_show_current_term_term.
  51. * by MGN: Reduce database queries when finding module weights.
  52. #820686 by MGN: Provide custom breadcrumbs for panel pages stored in code.
  53. #697674 by MGN: Fixes custom_breadcrumbs_panels to work with panel node
  54. templates.
  55. * by MGN: sanitize user input for and avoid fatal errors due to non existant
  56. files in taxonomy breadcrumbs.
  57. #734758 by andyceo and MGN: Fix typos on module pages and README.txt file.
  58. Improve documentation.
  59. #643796 by heyyo, Danny_Joris, and MGN: New feature adds css classes to custom
  60. breadcrumb items.
  61. #739600 by andyceo and MGN: Integration with Image Gallery module.
  62. #721708 by dereine and MGN: Use display_plugin name to identify allowed
  63. displays for custom breadcrumbs.
  64. #714450 by marrch_caat and MGN: Node data can be corrupted by PHP snippet
  65. evaluation.
  66. #723704 by MGN: Fix assignment of template breadcrumb variable.
  67. #701902 by MGN: Do not attempt to validate form if php is used in titles and
  68. paths.
  69. #680026 by MGN: Fix to properly process default arguments in views.
  70. #627792 by MGN: Move hook_init code into hook_preprocess.
  71. #658586 by jcmarco and Dave Reid: Add support for vertical tabs.
  72. #667132 by MGN: Fix bug in custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy breadcrumb with
  73. non-default language.
  74. * by MGN: cleanup custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy code.
  75. #658296 by MGN: New feature to provide an option to show the current taxonomy
  76. term in the breadcrumb trail.
  77. #664538 by maijs: Add support for free tags.
  78. #678208 by MGN: Provide views object when defining breadcrumb titles and paths
  79. using php.
  80. * by MGN: Strip php tags in titles and paths if user doesn't have appropriate
  81. permission to use php.
  82. * by MGN: Updating README.txt
  83. * by MGN: Code, comment, and translatable strings cleanup.
  84. #644512 by MGN: Changing module weights can break CB settings form.
  85. #623274 by guix: Fix processing of multiple views arguments.
  86. #616976 by MGN: Correctly identify taxonomy term page for taxonomy type
  87. breadcrumbs.
  88. #540766 by MGN: New feature to provide custom breadcrumbs according to theme
  89. template.
  90. #594394 by MGN: Require php code tags when using php for titles and paths.
  91. * by MGN: Allow strings used for page titles to be translated.
  92. * by MGN: Code and UI cleanup.
  93. * by MGN: New feature to prevent custom breadrumbs from modifying the
  94. breadcrumbs for some pages by path.
  95. #595066 by MGN: New feature to select menus to be used to provide custom
  96. breadcrumbs based on menu structure.
  97. * by MGN: Delete all custom breadcrumbs variables when the module is
  98. uninstalled.
  99. #533784 by MGN: New feature provides an option that allows the use of php in
  100. titles and paths.
  101. #583550 by MGN: New feature allows the admin to name breadcrumbs to make them
  102. easier to find.
  103. #584246 by MGN: Improved handling of custom breadcrumbs for views with explicit
  104. arguments and multiple displays.
  105. #582636 by MGN: Permit blank breadcrumbs when title is set to .
  106. #581550 by MGN: Fixed a bug that prevented default views from being listed on
  107. the add custom breadcrumb for view form.
  108. #543536 by MGN and gapple. Remove double, leading, and trailing slashes from
  109. paths.
  110. #574844 by MGN: Fixed incorrect uses of t().
  111. * by MGN: Added custom_breadcrumbsapi submodule. This module provides a simple
  112. api to allow custom breadcrumbs to be defined for specified module
  113. pages. To implement this, module developers need to implement a
  114. hook_custom_breadcrumbsapi function and add a single line of code in
  115. each page callback function. Details are specified in README.txt.
  116. * by MGN: Fixed a bug in custom_breadcrumbs_path_cb_node_form_table to allow
  117. path breadcrumbs with wildcards to be listed in the custom breadcrumbs fieldset
  118. on the node edit page.
  119. #513702 by MGN: Improve selection of path breadcrumb when wildcards are present.
  120. * by MGN: Improved token replacement for views with arguments.
  121. * by MGN: New feature to use most recent term (instead of lightest term) for
  122. better breadcrumbs for nodes that have several taxonomy terms.
  123. #554918 by MGN: rewrite get lightest term function to account for weights of
  124. parent terms.
  125. #543968 by MGN: New feature to support breadcrumbs with query strings.
  126. #539416 by MGN: Fix coding errors producing php warnings.
  127. #538180 by MGN: Taxonomy Breadcrumb should not show current term on term page
  128. by default.
  129. #407052 by MGN and vthirteen: Added documentation to amplify what can be done
  130. using the advanced option to set the home breadcrumb sitewide (or remove it
  131. entirely).
  132. #516704 by MGN: Breadcrumb support for delegated (panel) pages.
  133. #519608 by MGN and realityloop: Do not provide a view breadcrumb if the view is
  134. embeded in a panel page.
  135. * by MGN: Do not rebuild theme registry unless force active trail option is
  136. changed.
  137. * by MGN: New feature to optionally adjust custom breadcrumb module weights via
  138. dragable table on the custom breadcrumbs settings form.
  139. #532618 by dan3h and MGN: Wrong vocabulary-name shown for term (using
  140. multiple-vocabularies).
  141. #530638 by MGN: Fatal error when running update.php.
  142. * by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_NOTICE warnings.
  143. * by MGN: consolidate some common functions used by submodules into new file
  145. #523678 by MGN: New feature to provide option for Home breadcrumb text to
  146. replace "Home" on all pages.
  147. #521000 by MGN: Title and path for custom vocabulary and term breadcrumbs
  148. doesn't work well.
  149. #519524 by MGN: Name not displayed correctly with 3 level deep taxonomy terms.
  150. #517010 by MGN: Wrong custom breadcrumb on view with multiple pages.
  151. #510716 by pinkradical: Path strings are case sensitive.
  152. * by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_NOTICE warnings.
  153. * by MGN: modified custom_breadcrumbs_token_types to accept multiple objects as
  154. an array for improved token replacement.
  155. #516060 by MGN: Malformed Taxonomy Breadcrumb.
  156. #501308 by MGN: New feature to allow the taxonomy breadcrumb to be appended to
  157. the existing breadcrumb and work with views.
  158. #513652 by nicholasThompson: Update_6001 has invalid use of db_add_field.
  159. * by MGN: corrected hook_theme omission for custom breadcrumbs help identifiers.
  160. * by MGN: corrected various coding problems leading to E_ALL warnings.
  161. * by MGN: corrected inappropriate use of t().
  162. * by MGN: fixed typo in module_load_include statements.
  163. #485062 by MGN: New feature to provide breadcrumb for views based on menu tree.
  164. #493966 by MGN: Allow custom breadcrumbs to be defined for calendar view pages.
  165. #490532 by MGN: New feature to use hook_init to provide breadcrumbs for menu
  166. items (module pages).
  167. #491326 by MGN: Fix to ensure that is loaded if pathauto is
  168. enabled and prevent breadcrumb from being set without a defined custom breadcrumb.
  169. * by MGN: Load the first node of a view for token replacement.
  170. * by MGN: Use hook_views_pre_render() instead of hook_menu_alter() in
  171. custom_breadcrumbs_views().
  172. #481730 by MGN: Description about wildcard matching is incorrect and misleading.
  173. #484496 by MGN: Custom_breadcrumbs.install should not use t() in hook_schema().
  174. #483060 by MGN: New feature to allow for named anchors in breadcrumbs paths.
  175. #472068 by Xano and MGN: Improve hook_menu_alter override for modules claiming
  176. taxonomy/term/tid pages.