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IntlTest.php in Currency 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\currency_intl\Unit\Plugin\Currency\AmountFormatter;

use Commercie\Currency\CurrencyInterface;
use Drupal\currency\Entity\CurrencyLocaleInterface;
use Drupal\currency\LocaleResolverInterface;
use Drupal\currency_intl\Plugin\Currency\AmountFormatter\Intl;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\currency_intl\Plugin\Currency\AmountFormatter\Intl
 * @group Currency Intl
 * @requires extension intl
class IntlTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The formatter under test.
   * @var \Drupal\currency_intl\Plugin\Currency\AmountFormatter\Intl
  protected $formatter;

   * The locale resolver.
   * @var \Drupal\currency\LocaleResolverInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $localeResolver;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $configuration = array();
    $plugin_id = $this
    $plugin_definition = array();
    $this->localeResolver = $this
    $this->formatter = new Intl($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $this->localeResolver);

   * @covers ::create
   * @covers ::__construct
  function testCreate() {
    $container = $this
    $configuration = array();
    $plugin_id = $this
    $plugin_definition = array();
    $formatter = Intl::create($container, $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
      ->assertInstanceOf(Intl::class, $formatter);

   * @covers ::formatAmount
  function testFormatAmount() {
    $locale = 'nl_NL';
    $pattern = '¤-#,##0.00¤¤';
    $decimal_separator = '@';
    $grouping_separator = '%';
    $currency_locale = $this

    // ICU, the C library that PHP's Intl extension uses for formatting, is
    // known to have trouble formatting combinations of currencies and locales
    // that it does not know. In order to make sure this works, test such a
    // combination, such as the Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) with Dutch, Netherlands
    // (nl_NL).
    $currency_sign = '₴';
    $currency_code = 'UAH';
    $currency = $this
    $results = array(
      // An amount with no decimals should be formatted without decimals and
      // decimal separator.
      '123' => '₴-123UAH',
      // An amount with three groupings should have two grouping separators. All
      // of its three decimals should be formatted, even if the currency only
      // has two.
      '1234567.890' => '₴-1%234%567@890UAH',
      // An amount with only one decimal should be formatted with only one.
      '.3' => '₴-0@3UAH',
    foreach ($results as $amount => $expected) {
      $formatted = $this->formatter
        ->formatAmount($currency, $amount);
        ->assertSame($expected, $formatted);
