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6 calls to Inline::parseScalar() in Currency 7.2

Inline::evaluateScalar in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Inline.php
Evaluates scalars and replaces magic values.
Inline::parse in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Inline.php
Converts a YAML string to a PHP array.
Inline::parseMapping in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Inline.php
Parses a mapping to a YAML string.
Inline::parseSequence in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Inline.php
Parses a sequence to a YAML string.
InlineTest::testParseScalarWithCorrectlyQuotedStringShouldReturnString in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/InlineTest.php
Parser::parse in currency/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php
Parses a YAML string to a PHP value.