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public function FormWizardBase::getPreviousParameters in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 8.3

The Route parameters for a 'previous' step.

If your route requires more than machine_name and step keys, override and extend this method as needed.


mixed $cached_values: The values returned by $this->getTempstore()->get($this->getMachineName());.

Return value

array An array keyed by: machine_name step

Overrides FormWizardInterface::getPreviousParameters

3 calls to FormWizardBase::getPreviousParameters()
FormWizardBase::actions in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
Generates action elements for navigating between the operation steps.
FormWizardBase::ajaxPrevious in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
FormWizardBase::previous in src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php
Form submit handler to step backwards in the wizard.


src/Wizard/FormWizardBase.php, line 206


The base class for all form wizard.




public function getPreviousParameters($cached_values) {
  $operations = $this
  $step = $this

  // Get the steps by key.
  $steps = array_keys($operations);

  // Get the steps before the current step.
  $before = array_slice($operations, 0, array_search($step, $steps));

  // Get the steps before the current step by key.
  $before = array_keys($before);

  // Reverse the steps for easy access to the next step.
  $before_steps = array_reverse($before);
  $step = reset($before_steps);
  return [
    'machine_name' => $this
    'step' => $step,
    'js' => 'nojs',