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function CSSInjectorTest::testCSSInjectionUI in CSS Injector 7

Test the Administrative UI, making sure it does what it ought to do.

  • Create 3 rules:

    • A basic rule that will appear on every page.
    • A basic rule that will appear on only one page.


./css_injector.test, line 32
Tests for css_injector.


@file Tests for css_injector.


function testCSSInjectionUI() {
  $base_url = 'admin/config/development/css-injector';
  $add_url = $base_url . '/add';

  // To add to these rules, just copy and paste.
  $rules = array(
    1 => array(
      'crid' => 1,
      'title' => t('Rule 1: pink background on all pages'),
      'css_text' => '.content { background-color: pink; }',
      'rule_type' => CSS_INJECTOR_PAGES_NOTLISTED,
      // add on every page except
      'rule_conditions' => '',
      // no conditions
      'pages_with' => array(
      // Test page where it should show up.
      'pages_without' => array(),
    2 => array(
      'crid' => 2,
      'title' => t('Rule 2: blue background on admin page'),
      'css_text' => '.content { background-color: blue; }',
      'rule_type' => CSS_INJECTOR_PAGES_LISTED,
      // add on listed pages.
      'rule_conditions' => 'user',
      // show only on /user
      'pages_with' => array(
      // Test page where it should show up.
      'pages_without' => array(
    3 => array(
      'crid' => 3,
      'title' => t('Rule 3: blue background on admin page'),
      'css_text' => '.content { background-color: green; }',
      'rule_type' => CSS_INJECTOR_PHP,
      // add on listed pages.
      'rule_conditions' => '<?php print (arg(0) == "admin"); ?>',
      // show only on /admin
      'pages_with' => array(
      // Test page where it should show up.
      'pages_without' => array(
  foreach ($rules as $index => $rule) {

    // Create the rule.
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $rule['title'],
      'css_text' => $rule['css_text'],
      'rule_type' => $rule['rule_type'],
      'rule_conditions' => $rule['rule_conditions'],
      ->drupalPost($add_url, $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Your CSS injection rule %rule was saved', array(
      '%rule' => $rule['title'],
    $file = 'css_injector_' . $index . '.css';

    // visit 'pages_with' to see if it's there.
    foreach ($rule['pages_with'] as $page) {
        ->assertRaw($file, t('Rule %rule file %file was found on page %page', array(
        '%rule' => $rule['crid'],
        '%file' => $file,
        '%page' => $page,

    // visit 'pages_without' and assert that the CSS is not there.
    foreach ($rule['pages_without'] as $page) {
        ->assertNoRaw($file, t('Rule %rule file %file not found on page %page', array(
        '%rule' => $rule['crid'],
        '%file' => $file,
        '%page' => $page,
    $buffer = file_get_contents(_css_injector_rule_uri($rule['crid']));
      ->assertIdentical($rule['css_text'], $buffer, t('The file being used has the contents expected'));

  // Now delete each one and make sure that things work correctly.
  foreach ($rules as $index => $rule) {
    $delete_url = $base_url . '/delete/' . $index;
      ->drupalPost($delete_url, array(), t('Delete'));
      ->assertRaw(t('The CSS rule %rule has been deleted', array(
      '%rule' => $rule['title'],

    // visit 'pages_with' to verify it's no longer there.
    foreach ($rule['pages_with'] as $page) {
        ->assertNoRaw($file, t('Rule %rule file %file no longer found on page %page', array(
        '%rule' => $rule['crid'],
        '%file' => $file,
        '%page' => $page,

    // visit 'pages_without' and assert that the CSS is not there either.
    foreach ($rule['pages_without'] as $page) {
        ->assertNoRaw($file, t('Rule %rule file %file not found on page %page', array(
        '%rule' => $rule['crid'],
        '%file' => $file,
        '%page' => $page,