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7 calls to _css_injector_load_rule() in CSS Injector 7

css_injector_admin_form in ./
Form builder function for CSS Injector's main admin page.
css_injector_css_alter in ./css_injector.module
Implements hook_css_alter(). Since we're trying to give the administrator complete control, we'll move CSS that this module has added to a high weight, higher even than the theme's CSS files. Currently the weight is 200 + the crid,…
css_injector_delete_confirm in ./
Menu callback -- ask for confirmation of rule deletion.
css_injector_edit in ./
Form builder function for the CSS rule edit form.
css_injector_edit_save in ./
Submit button callback for the CSS rule edit form.
css_injector_init in ./css_injector.module
Implements hook_init(). Checks to see whether any CSS files should be added to the current page, based on rules configured by the site administrator.
_css_injector_delete_rule in ./css_injector.module
Helper function to delete an existing rule and its accompanying file.