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css_emimage.module in CSS Embedded Images 6.2

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  1. 6 css_emimage.module
  2. 7 css_emimage.module

CSS Embedded Images module.


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 * @file
 * CSS Embedded Images module.

 * Internet Explorer limits data URIs to 32KB.

 * Limit the total data (in bytes) duplicate images can add to the CSS. If
 * embedding a duplicate image exceeds this, it will not be embedded.

 * Limit the total size allowed for inline data URIs. Once this limit is
 * exceeded, data URIs are placed in a separate CSS file.

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function css_emimage_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#css_emimage':
      $output = '<p>' . t('Replaces image URLs in aggregated CSS files with embedded images when <em>CSS optimization</em> has been enabled in the <a href="@performance">Performance settings</a>.', array(
        '@performance' => url('admin/settings/performance'),
      )) . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function css_emimage_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'system_performance_settings') {
    $form['bandwidth_optimizations']['css_emimage'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('CSS Embedded Images'),
      'css_emimage_force_inline' => array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Always inline embedded images'),
        '#description' => t('By default CSS Embedded Images places image data exceeding !limit in a CSS file separate from the rest of the site styles. This allows for parallel rendering of site styles while the relatively large image data is in transit, providing an improved user experience (especially for visitors with slow connections). Enabling this option will force images to always be embedded inline, similar to the 6.x-1.x behavior; however, this is not recommended.', array(
          '!limit' => format_size(variable_get('css_emimage_inline_datauri_limit', CSS_EMIMAGE_INLINE_DATAURI_LIMIT)),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('css_emimage_force_inline', 0),
      'css_emimage_ielimit' => array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Only embed images less than 32KB'),
        '#description' => t('Internet Explorer does not support embedded images larger than 32KB. If you are not concerned about IE support you can ignore this limitation; otherwise, it is best to leave this checked.'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('css_emimage_ielimit', 1),

 * Implementation of hook_advagg_filenames_alter().
 * See if any CSS file in the desired bundle contains a local image in it.
function css_emimage_advagg_filenames_alter(&$filenames) {
  global $base_path;
  $output = array();
  foreach ($filenames as $values) {

    // Set values.
    $filetype = $values['filetype'];
    $files = $values['files'];
    $counter = $values['counter'];
    $bundle_md5 = $values['bundle_md5'];

    // Only operate on CSS files.
    if ($filetype != 'css') {
      $output[] = $values;
    $cached_data_key = 'css_emimage_' . $bundle_md5;

    // Try cache first; cache table is cache_advagg_bundle_reuse.
    $cached_data = advagg_cached_bundle_get($cached_data_key, 'css_emimage_filenames_alter');
    if (!empty($cached_data)) {

      // verify cache_css_emimage_advagg has the data we need.
      $good = TRUE;
      foreach ($cached_data as $info) {
        $saved = cache_get($info['bundle_md5'], 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
        if (empty($saved->data)) {
          $good = FALSE;
      if ($good) {
        $output = array_merge($output, $cached_data);
    $cached_data = array();

    // Load up each CSS file.
    $has_image = FALSE;
    foreach ($files as $filename) {
      $filename_md5 = md5($filename);
      $data = advagg_get_file_data($filename_md5);
      if (!empty($data['css_emimage'])) {
        $has_image = TRUE;
      if (!isset($data['css_emimage'])) {

        // Search css file to see if it contains an image.
        if (!advagg_file_exists($filename)) {
        $css = file_get_contents($filename);

        // See if CSS file contains an image.
        $pattern = '/(background(?:-image)?|list-style(?:-image)?):[^{};)]*?((?:none|url\\([\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?\\)))([^{};]*)/i';
        if (preg_match_all($pattern, $css, $matches) > 0) {
          $images = $matches[3];
          foreach ($matches[3] as $imagename) {
            if (empty($imagename)) {

            // Strip base path from filename.
            $imagename = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($base_path, '/') . '/i', '', $imagename);

            // If not a local file, continue the search.
            if (file_exists($filename) == FALSE) {

            // Break on the first local image we hit.
            $has_image = TRUE;
        if (!$has_image) {
          $lock_name = 'advagg_set_file_data_' . $filename_md5;
          if (!lock_acquire($lock_name, 10)) {
          $data = advagg_get_file_data($filename_md5);
          $data['css_emimage'] = 0;
          advagg_set_file_data($filename_md5, $data);

      // Jump out of loop if we found a local image.
      if ($has_image) {
    if ($has_image) {

      // See if this has already been "processed".
      $saved = cache_get($bundle_md5, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (!empty($saved->data)) {
        if ($saved->data != 'none') {
          $output[] = $values;
          $cached_data = array(
          cache_set($cached_data_key, $cached_data, 'cache_advagg_bundle_reuse', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
        else {

          // css file used to not have any images, now it does.
          cache_clear_all($bundle_md5, 'cache_advagg');

      // Insert base css md5 into cache_css_emimage_advagg.
      $values['bundle_md5'] = md5($bundle_md5 . 'base');
      $saved = cache_get($values['bundle_md5'], 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_set($values['bundle_md5'], 'base', 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      $output[] = $values;
      $cached_data[] = $values;

      // Insert emimage css md5 into cache_css_emimage_advagg.
      $values['bundle_md5'] = md5($bundle_md5 . 'emimage');
      $saved = cache_get($values['bundle_md5'], 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_set($values['bundle_md5'], 'emimage', 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      $output[] = $values;
      $cached_data[] = $values;

      // Insert orig css md5 into cache_css_emimage_advagg.
      $values['bundle_md5'] = md5($bundle_md5 . 'orig');
      $saved = cache_get($values['bundle_md5'], 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_set($values['bundle_md5'], 'orig', 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      $output[] = $values;
      $cached_data[] = $values;
      cache_set($cached_data_key, $cached_data, 'cache_advagg_bundle_reuse', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    else {

      // Insert none css md5 into cache_css_emimage_advagg; no processing needed.
      $saved = cache_get($values['bundle_md5'], 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_set($values['bundle_md5'], 'none', 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      $output[] = $values;
      $data = array(
      cache_set($cached_data_key, $data, 'cache_advagg_bundle_reuse', CACHE_TEMPORARY);

      // Remove bundle_md5s if file use to have an image and now does not.
      $key = md5($bundle_md5 . 'base');
      $saved = cache_get($key, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (!empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_clear_all($key, 'cache_advagg');
      $key = md5($bundle_md5 . 'emimage');
      $saved = cache_get($key, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (!empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_clear_all($key, 'cache_advagg');
      $key = md5($bundle_md5 . 'orig');
      $saved = cache_get($key, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
      if (!empty($saved->data)) {
        cache_clear_all($key, 'cache_advagg');
  $filenames = $output;

 * Implementation of hook_advagg_css_extra_alter().
 * Set the CSS prefix and suffix.
function css_emimage_advagg_css_extra_alter(&$values) {
  list($filename, $bundle_md5, $prefix, $suffix) = $values;
  if (!empty($prefix) || !empty($suffix)) {
  $type = cache_get($bundle_md5, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
  if (!empty($type->data)) {
    $type = $type->data;
  if ($type == 'base') {
    $prefix = "<!--[if gte IE 8]><!-->";
    $suffix = "<!--<![endif]-->";
  elseif ($type == 'emimage') {
    $prefix = "<!--[if gte IE 8]><!-->";
    $suffix = "<!--<![endif]-->";
  elseif ($type == 'orig') {
    $prefix = "<!--[if lt IE 8]>";
    $suffix = "<![endif]-->";
  $values = array(

 * Implementation of hook_advagg_css_alter().
 * Given CSS data embed images into it.
function css_emimage_advagg_css_alter($data, $files, $bundle_md5) {
  $type = cache_get($bundle_md5, 'cache_css_emimage_advagg');
  if (!empty($type->data)) {
    $type = $type->data;
  if (empty($type)) {
  if ($type == 'none' || $type == 'orig') {
  _css_emimage_text_processor($data, $bundle_md5, $type);

  // Make sure data sent back is not empty.
  // Workaround needed for advagg async mode.
  if (empty($data)) {
    $data = 'html {display:block;}';

 * Implementation of hook_advagg_files_table().
 * See if any images referenced in a CSS file has changed.
function css_emimage_advagg_files_table($row, $checksum) {
  global $base_path;

  // Only operate on CSS files.
  if ($row['filetype'] != 'css') {

  // Load the CSS file.
  $images = array();
  $css = advagg_build_css_bundle(array(

  // Get file data.
  $lock_name = 'advagg_set_file_data_' . $row['filename_md5'];
  if (!lock_acquire($lock_name)) {
  $data = advagg_get_file_data($row['filename_md5']);

  // See if CSS file contains an image.
  $pattern = '/(background(?:-image)?|list-style(?:-image)?):[^{};)]*?((?:none|url\\([\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?\\)))([^{};]*)/i';
  if (preg_match_all($pattern, $css, $matches) > 0) {
    $images = $matches[3];

  // If no images bail out.
  if (empty($images)) {
    if (isset($data['css_emimage']) && $data['css_emimage'] == 0) {
    $data['css_emimage'] = 0;
    advagg_set_file_data($row['filename_md5'], $data);
  $out = array();
  $rebuild = FALSE;
  $save = FALSE;
  foreach ($images as $filename) {
    if (empty($filename)) {

    // Strip base path from filename.
    $filename = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($base_path, '/') . '/i', '', $filename);
    if (file_exists($filename) == FALSE) {

    // Get the checksum of each image.
    $checksum = advagg_checksum($filename);
    if (!empty($data['css_emimage'][$filename])) {
      if ($data['css_emimage'][$filename] != $checksum) {
        $rebuild = TRUE;
        $save = TRUE;
    else {
      $save = TRUE;
    $data['css_emimage'] = array();
    $data['css_emimage'][$filename] = $checksum;
  if ($save) {
    advagg_set_file_data($row['filename_md5'], $data);
  return $rebuild;

 * Implementation of hook_advagg_master_reset().
function css_emimage_advagg_master_reset() {
  cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_css_emimage_advagg', TRUE);

 * Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
 * Make css_emimage's page preprocess function run after everything else.
 * If the css_gzip module is installed, move it's preprocess function after ours.
function css_emimage_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  if (isset($theme_registry['page']) && !module_exists('advagg')) {

    // Move our preprocess function after everything else.
    if (($key = array_search('css_emimage_preprocess_page', $theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'])) !== FALSE) {
      unset($theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'][$key]);
    $theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'][] = 'css_emimage_preprocess_page';

    // Move css_gzip's preprocess function after ours.
    if (($key = array_search('css_gzip_preprocess_page', $theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'])) !== FALSE) {
      unset($theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'][$key]);
      $theme_registry['page']['preprocess functions'][] = 'css_gzip_preprocess_page';

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_hook().
 * Replace URLs with data URIs in aggregated CSS files if CSS optimization is turned on.
function css_emimage_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  if (!empty($variables['styles']) && variable_get('preprocess_css', 0)) {
    $variables['styles'] = _css_emimage_process($variables['styles']);

 * Helper function to replace URLs with data URIs.
function _css_emimage_process($styles) {
  global $base_url;
  $path_to_files_directory = base_path() . file_directory_path();
  $pattern = '/<link(.*?)href=".*?' . preg_quote($path_to_files_directory, '/') . '(.*?)(\\?[^"]*)?"(.*?)\\/>/';
  if (preg_match_all($pattern, $styles, $matches) > 0) {
    foreach ($matches[2] as $i => $aggregated_file_name) {
      $file_path = file_directory_path();
      $aggregated_file_path = $file_path . $aggregated_file_name;
      $emimage_file_name = str_replace('.css', '.emimage.css', $aggregated_file_name);
      $emimage_file_path = $file_path . $emimage_file_name;
      $orig_file_name = str_replace('.css', '.orig.css', $aggregated_file_name);
      $orig_file_path = $file_path . $orig_file_name;

      // Save the processed CSS file if it doesn't exist yet.
      if (!file_exists($emimage_file_path) || filemtime($aggregated_file_path) > filemtime($emimage_file_path)) {
        $contents = $orig_contents = file_get_contents($aggregated_file_path);

        // Save a copy of the original aggregated CSS for IE < 8 fallback.
        file_save_data($orig_contents, $orig_file_path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

        // Save the modified aggregated CSS file.
        _css_emimage_text_processor($orig_contents, $orig_file_path, 'base');
        file_save_data($orig_contents, $aggregated_file_path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

        // Save the CSS file containing the embedded images.
        // This may be empty, but we use the file as a flag to prevent
        // processing the CSS on every uncached request.
        _css_emimage_text_processor($contents, $orig_file_path, 'emimage');
        file_save_data($contents, $emimage_file_path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

      // Replace the aggregated file with the processed CSS file.
      if (file_exists($emimage_file_path) && filesize($emimage_file_path)) {
        $styles = str_replace($matches[0][$i], "<!--[if gte IE 8]><!-->\n" . (filesize($aggregated_file_path) ? $matches[0][$i] . "\n" : '') . str_replace($aggregated_file_name, $emimage_file_name, $matches[0][$i]) . "\n<!--<![endif]-->\n" . "<!--[if lt IE 8]>\n" . str_replace($aggregated_file_name, $orig_file_name, $matches[0][$i]) . "\n<![endif]-->", $styles);
  return $styles;

 * Process the css text and replace it with image data where necessary.
 * @param $data
 *    CSS text data to process over.
 * @param $key
 *    Used for a static cache.
 * @param $type
 *    The type of css wanted back, base or emimage.
function _css_emimage_text_processor(&$data, $key, $type) {
  static $values = array();

  // This only processes base & emimage types.
  if ($type != 'base' && $type != 'emimage') {
  if (empty($values[$key][$type])) {

    // Do magic; code could be improved.

    // Reset the processed declarations.
    $contents = $data;
    $datauri_css = '';
    $pattern = '/([^{}]+){([^{}]*?(background(?:-image)?|list-style(?:-image)?):[^{};)]*?(?:none|url\\([\'"]?.+?[\'"]?\\))[^{}]*)}/i';
    $contents = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_css_emimage_replace', $contents);
    if (!is_null($contents)) {
      list($declarations, $file_stats) = _css_emimage_collect_static();

      // Check for duplicate images and exclude those exceeding our duplication limit.
      // Sum the amount of data being embedded.
      $datauri_total_length = 0;
      foreach ($file_stats as $fs) {
        if (count($fs['indices']) > 1 && $fs['total_length'] > variable_get('css_emimage_duplicate_embed_limit', CSS_EMIMAGE_DUPLICATE_EMBED_LIMIT)) {
          foreach ($fs['indices'] as $fsi) {
            $declarations[$fsi]['base64'] = '';
        else {
          $datauri_total_length += $fs['total_length'];
      list($ext_contents, $ext_data) = _css_emimage_build_external($contents, $declarations);

      // If the amount of data being embedded is within the inline limit, inline the data URIs;
      // otherwise, store the data URIs in a separate CSS file.
      if (variable_get('css_emimage_force_inline', 0) || $datauri_total_length && $datauri_total_length <= variable_get('css_emimage_inline_datauri_limit', CSS_EMIMAGE_INLINE_DATAURI_LIMIT)) {
        $inline = _css_emimage_build_inline($contents, $declarations);
        if (strlen($inline) < strlen($ext_contents) + strlen($ext_data)) {
          $datauri_css = $inline;
        else {
          $datauri_css = "{$ext_contents}\n{$ext_data}";
        $contents = '';
      else {
        $contents = $ext_contents;
        $datauri_css = $ext_data;
    else {
      $error_code = preg_last_error();
      $error_messages = array(
        PREG_NO_ERROR => 'NO_ERROR',
      watchdog('css_emimage', 'Error while trying to embed images in your CSS, falling back to unmodified CSS. PCRE error was: !error.', array(
        '!error' => array_key_exists($error_code, $error_messages) ? $error_messages[$error_code] : $error_code,
    $values[$key]['base'] = $contents;
    $values[$key]['emimage'] = $datauri_css;

  // Send data back.
  $data = $values[$key][$type];

  // Free memory, values only gets used once.

 * preg_replace_callback() callback to replace URLs with data URIs.
function _css_emimage_replace($matches) {
  list($declaration, $selector, $properties) = $matches;
  $pattern = '/(background(?:-image)?|list-style(?:-image)?):[^{};)]*?((?:none|url\\([\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?\\)))([^{};]*)/i';
  preg_match_all($pattern, $properties, $matches);
  foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $property) {
    $url = $matches[2][$i];
    $file = $matches[3][$i];
    $important = stripos($matches[4][$i], '!important') !== FALSE;
    if ($file && strpos($file, base_path()) === 0 && ($image = image_get_info($file = substr($file, strlen(base_path()))))) {
      $ielimit = variable_get('css_emimage_ielimit', 1);

      // only embed data URIs less than 32KB, thanks IE
      if ($ielimit && $image['file_size'] * 1.3333 >= CSS_EMIMAGE_IE_DATAURI_LIMIT) {
        $image = NULL;
      $token = _css_emimage_collect(array(
      $declaration = str_replace($url, $token, $declaration);
    else {
  return $declaration;

 * Helper function to collect CSS declarations to replace with data URIs.
 * @return string a token used during the replacement process
function _css_emimage_collect($info) {
  list($declarations, $file_stats) = _css_emimage_collect_static();
  if (!$declarations) {
    $declarations = array();
  if (!$file_stats) {
    $file_stats = array();
  if (is_array($info)) {
    list($selector, $property, $url, $file, $important, $image) = $info;
    $selector = trim($selector);

    // Normalize the CSS property name - allows us to collapse declarations in
    // some cases, and generated CSS is more consistent.
    if ($property == 'background' || $property == 'list-style') {
      $property .= '-image';
    $current = array_pop($declarations);
    switch (TRUE) {
      case $current && ($current['property'] != $property || $current['file'] != $file || $current['important'] != $important):
        array_push($declarations, $current);
      case !$current:
        $pos = count($declarations);
        $current = array(
          'pos' => $pos,
          'token' => "[css_emimage:{$pos}]",
          'selectors' => array(
          'property' => $property,
          'url' => $url,
          'file' => $file,
          'important' => $important,
          'base64' => $image ? base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)) : '',
          'mime_type' => $image ? $image['mime_type'] : '',
        if ($current['base64']) {
          if (!isset($file_stats[$file])) {
            $file_stats[$file] = array(
              'indices' => array(
              'total_length' => strlen($current['base64']),
          else {
            $file_stats[$file]['indices'][] = $pos;
            $file_stats[$file]['total_length'] += strlen($current['base64']);
        $current['selectors'][] = $selector;
    array_push($declarations, $current);
    return $current['token'];
  return FALSE;

 * Helper function to store collected CSS declarations.
function _css_emimage_collect_static($data = NULL) {
  static $store = array();
  if (!is_null($data)) {
    $store = $data;
  return $store;

 * Generates CSS with data URIs inline with the declarations.
 * @return string CSS with inline data URIs
function _css_emimage_build_inline($css, $declarations) {
  foreach ($declarations as $data) {
    if ($data['base64']) {
      $css = str_replace($data['token'], 'url(data:' . $data['mime_type'] . ';base64,' . $data['base64'] . ')', $css);
    else {
      $css = str_replace($data['token'], $data['url'], $css);
  return $css;

 * Generates CSS with external data URIs.
 * @return array a tuple where the first element is the updated CSS and the
 *     second element is the CSS declarations containing only data URIs
function _css_emimage_build_external($css, $declarations) {
  $datauri_css = '';
  foreach ($declarations as $data) {
    if ($data['base64']) {
      $css = str_replace($data['token'], 'none', $css);
      $datauri_css .= implode(',', $data['selectors']) . '{' . $data['property'] . ':url(data:' . $data['mime_type'] . ';base64,' . $data['base64'] . ')' . ($data['important'] ? ' !important' : '') . ";}\n";
    else {
      if ($datauri_css) {

        // Only add these if the CSS has at least one data URI.
        $css = str_replace($data['token'], 'none', $css);
        $datauri_css .= implode(',', $data['selectors']) . '{' . $data['property'] . ':' . $data['url'] . ($data['important'] ? ' !important' : '') . ";}\n";
      else {
        $css = str_replace($data['token'], $data['url'], $css);
  return array(


Namesort descending Description
css_emimage_advagg_css_alter Implementation of hook_advagg_css_alter().
css_emimage_advagg_css_extra_alter Implementation of hook_advagg_css_extra_alter().
css_emimage_advagg_filenames_alter Implementation of hook_advagg_filenames_alter().
css_emimage_advagg_files_table Implementation of hook_advagg_files_table().
css_emimage_advagg_master_reset Implementation of hook_advagg_master_reset().
css_emimage_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
css_emimage_help Implementation of hook_help().
css_emimage_preprocess_page Implementation of hook_preprocess_hook().
css_emimage_theme_registry_alter Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
_css_emimage_build_external Generates CSS with external data URIs.
_css_emimage_build_inline Generates CSS with data URIs inline with the declarations.
_css_emimage_collect Helper function to collect CSS declarations to replace with data URIs.
_css_emimage_collect_static Helper function to store collected CSS declarations.
_css_emimage_process Helper function to replace URLs with data URIs.
_css_emimage_replace preg_replace_callback() callback to replace URLs with data URIs.
_css_emimage_text_processor Process the css text and replace it with image data where necessary.


Namesort descending Description
CSS_EMIMAGE_DUPLICATE_EMBED_LIMIT Limit the total data (in bytes) duplicate images can add to the CSS. If embedding a duplicate image exceeds this, it will not be embedded.
CSS_EMIMAGE_IE_DATAURI_LIMIT Internet Explorer limits data URIs to 32KB.
CSS_EMIMAGE_INLINE_DATAURI_LIMIT Limit the total size allowed for inline data URIs. Once this limit is exceeded, data URIs are placed in a separate CSS file.