Util.php in Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite 7.2
lib/Util.phpView source
* Static methods that don't fit elsewhere.
* Ideally these are all stateless and do not depend on anything. But at least
* one of them is not..
class crumbs_Util {
* Clean tokens so they are URL friendly.
* Taken directly from pathauto_clean_token_values(). Using the pathauto
* function directly is not an option, because it can be that pathauto is not
* installed.
* @param $replacements
* An array of token replacements that need to be "cleaned" for use in the URL.
* @param $data
* An array of objects used to generate the replacements.
* @param $options
* An array of options used to generate the replacements.
* @see pathauto_clean_token_values()
static function cleanTokenValues(&$replacements, $data = array(), $options = array()) {
foreach ($replacements as $token => &$value) {
// Only clean non-path tokens.
if (!preg_match('/(path|alias|url|url-brief)\\]$/', $token)) {
// We use a simple regex instead of pathauto_cleanstring().
$value = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9/]+#', '-', strtolower($value));
* This function has exactly one possible input value for
* each possible return value, except the return value FALSE.
* @param string $route
* The router path can contain any character, but will typically
* have a format like "node/%/edit".
* @return string or FALSE
* A string that can be used as a method suffix,
* or FALSE, where that is not possible.
* The route "node/%/edit" will resolve as "node_x_edit".
static function buildMethodSuffix($route) {
$method_suffix = strtolower($route);
$method_suffix = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\\%]#', '_', $method_suffix);
$method_suffix = strtr($method_suffix, array(
'%' => 'x',
$reverse = self::routeFromMethodSuffix($method_suffix);
if ($reverse === $route) {
return $method_suffix;
return FALSE;
* @param string $method_suffix
* @return string
static function routeFromMethodSuffix($method_suffix) {
$route = strtr($method_suffix, array(
'_' => '/',
$route = preg_replace(array(
), array(
), $route);
// we need to do this two time to catch things like "/x/x/x/x".
$route = strtr($route, array(
'/x/' => '/%/',
return $route;
* Measures time between two runs and displays it in a human-readable format.
* @param $label
* String used to identify the measured time.
* @return null|string
* A string with the measurement, or NULL if the function was run for the
* first time.
static function benchmark($label = NULL) {
static $previous_time;
$current_time = microtime(TRUE);
if (isset($previous_time) && isset($label)) {
$str = 'Duration: ' . number_format(1000 * ($current_time - $previous_time), 3) . ' ms for ' . $label;
$previous_time = $current_time;
return isset($str) ? $str : NULL;
* Extract an entity from a router item, even if the wildcard loader has been
* replaced or removed.
* @param array $item
* The loaded router item.
* @param string $entity_type
* The entity type, e.g. 'node' or 'taxonomy_term'.
* @param int $index
* Index in $item['map'] at which to expect the entity.
* @return stdClass|FALSE
* The entity object.
static function itemExtractEntity($item, $entity_type, $index = NULL) {
if (!isset($index)) {
$index = count($item['map']) - 1;
if ($item['map'][$index] instanceof stdClass) {
return $item['map'][$index];
$entities = entity_load($entity_type, array(
return reset($entities);
Name | Description |
crumbs_Util | Static methods that don't fit elsewhere. Ideally these are all stateless and do not depend on anything. But at least one of them is not.. |