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namespace Drupal\crop in Crop API 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.2 Drupal\crop
Classsort descending Location Description
CropInterface src/CropInterface.php Provides an interface defining the crop entity.
CropStorage src/CropStorage.php Defines the storage handler class for image crop storage.
CropStorageInterface src/CropStorageInterface.php Provides an interface defining an crop storage controller.
CropTypeInterface src/CropTypeInterface.php Provides an interface defining a crop type entity.
CropTypeListBuilder src/CropTypeListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of crop type entities.
EntityProviderBase src/EntityProviderBase.php Base implementation for entity provider plugins.
EntityProviderInterface src/EntityProviderInterface.php Defines the interface for entity provider integration plugin.
EntityProviderManager src/EntityProviderManager.php Manages crop entity provider plugins.
EntityProviderNotFoundException src/EntityProviderNotFoundException.php An Error EntityProviderNotFoundException Class.