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public function DashboardTestCase::testCRMCoreDashboardSettings in CRM Core 7


modules/crm_core_ui/crm_core_ui.test, line 24




public function testCRMCoreDashboardSettings() {
  $config_path = 'admin/config/crm-core/settings';
  $checkbox = 'crm_core_dashboard_enabled';
  $path_input = 'crm_core_dashboard_path';
  $save = 'Save configuration';
    ->assertText('Use a Dashboard for CRM Core?', 'Enable Dashboard label is present on the page.');
    ->assertText('Path to Dashboard', 'Path to Dashboard label is present on the page.');
    ->assertField($checkbox, 'Enable Dashboard checkbox is present on the page.');
    ->assertField($path_input, 'Path to Dashboard input is present on the page.');
    ->drupalPost($config_path, array(
    $checkbox => TRUE,
  ), $save);
    ->assertText('You must enter VALID path(it must exist already).', 'Empty path is not allowed.');
    ->drupalPost($config_path, array(
    $checkbox => TRUE,
    $path_input => $this
  ), $save);
    ->assertText('You must enter VALID path(it must exist already).', 'Invalid path is not allowed.');
    ->assertNoLink('Dashboard', 'No link to Dashboard present.');
    ->drupalPost($config_path, array(
    $checkbox => TRUE,
    $path_input => 'node',
  ), $save);
    ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.', 'Valid path OK.');
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', array(
    'blocks[menu_crm-core-menu][region]' => 'sidebar_first',
  ), 'Save blocks');
    ->assertText('The block settings have been updated.', 'CRM Core menu block configuration changed.');
    ->assertLink('Dashboard', 0, 'Link to Dashboard present.');
    ->assertText('No front page content has been created yet.', 'Dashboard link working.');

  // Emulate deleted Dashboard.
  variable_set('crm_core_dashboard_path', 'node1');
  $text = 'The dashboard cannot be loaded. Please check the CRM Core Dashboard settings.';
    ->assertText($text, 'Dashboard gracefully handles broken config.');
    ->assertUrl('<front>', array(), 'Dashboard gracefully handles broken config and redirect user correctly.');